What is clotted cream? (2024)

In two words clotted cream is wickedly delightful. It is where two worlds collide, those two worlds being whipped cream and butter to create a little pot of goodness that is so utterly wonderful you just wish you could smother it on everything.

Okay, so that may be a little extreme, but once you have tasted the real thing you will never look back.

What is clotted cream? (1)

Also known as Devonshire cream, clotted cream is a thick cream that originated in the Southwest of England. It has become so deeply rooted in the culture of South West England there is a constant battle between the counties of Devon and Cornwall to claim the rights as to where it originated, and which county makes it better.

Clotted cream was originally made by farmers to reduce the amount of waste from their milk. There is evidence that the monks of Tavistock Abbey (located in Devon) were making clotted cream in the early 14th century. A local regional cookbook, in 1658 ‘The Complete Cook’ had a recipe for ‘clouted cream’ and it is even mentioned in local folklore –

The Shepheardes Calendar, a poem by Edmund Spenser in 1579:

‘Ne would she scorn the simple shepherd swain,
For she would call him often heam,
And give him curds and clouted cream.’

Clotted cream is heavy whipping cream that has been cooked at a low temperature for a long period of time. When cream is cooked it develops a texture and a richness that is unlike anything else. To be true clotted cream it has to have a minimum fat content of 55%, although most of the clotted cream made in England leans towards a rich 64%. As you can probably tell from these numbers it is not the healthiest thing in the world. In the U.S, clotted cream would be classed as butter due to its high fat content.

Clotted cream is an essential part of a cream tea and is a huge hit with tourists in Devon and Cornwall. So how do you eat a cream tea? Well traditionally it is served with a scone, spread thickly, topped with either strawberry or raspberry jam, and washed down with a pot of tea. There is however a centuries old fightbetween the residents of Devon and Cornwall as to what should be spread first, the jam or the cream. Incase you are curious, in Devon the cream goes first and in Cornwall it’s the jam. In my experience it really doesn’t matter, the taste is truly stunning whichever order you choose to spread it.

What is clotted cream? (2)

The reason clotted cream hasn’t made its way across the globe is down to its extremely short shelf life, making it difficult to export. Outside of the UK it is very difficult to find in grocery stores, and if you do it is rather expensive.

But rest assured, aside from visiting the UK there is a way to enjoy clotted cream in the United States and it is very simple to make. I have tried the recipe once, and it worked perfectly. From the initial taste test (which involved eating many scones and was a truly awful way to spend a weekend) I would say it is a very good recipe indeed, and you will hardly have to do a thing.

Take it from me, once you have had clotted cream there is no going back, it is a little pot of goodness that is so very easily spread on everything!

I will be posting the recipe for homemade clotted cream next week.

What is clotted cream? (2024)


What is clotted cream called in America? ›

Butter is classified in America as clotted cream for its high fat content. It has the same thickness and creamy taste to that as the clotted cream. Buy 3 or more & receive a 5% discount or 6 for a 10% discount!

Why is clotted cream illegal in the US? ›

Following a 1987 ruling from the Food and Drug Administration, the interstate sale of raw milk was banned in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, raw milk can contain harmful bacteria and germs, which can be especially risky for certain individuals like those who are pregnant or elderly ...

What is equivalent to clotted cream? ›

What is a good clotted cream substitute? If you can't get your hands on proper clotted cream, you could of course simply whip some heavy cream but you could also have a go at some other types of cream like mascarpone or creme fraiche.

What does clotted cream taste like? ›

Clotted cream has a unique taste, often described as being similar to a high-quality unsalted butter. It can also have nutty notes from the milk's long cooking time. When it comes to texture, clotted cream could be compared to softened cream cheese, with the richness falling somewhere between butter and whipped cream.

Can you purchase clotted cream in the US? ›

Its exclusivity extends beyond England, however, as clotted cream is technically illegal in America. Why? True clotted cream is made with unpasteurized milk, and the FDA officially banned the distribution of any milk or milk products that haven't been pasteurized in America in 1987.

Why is clotted cream so nice? ›

Clotted cream has the richness of butter but the creaminess of whipped cream. As my colleague Anya put it, "it's everything you love about whipped cream, but better because it's thick." It's thick enough to sit on top of a scone rather than sink in; in that way, it creates the perfect bed for a layer of jam.

How do Brits eat clotted cream? ›

In the U.K., it's common to serve a dollop of clotted cream with fresh strawberries or other summer berries. You can use clotted cream in place of butter to accompany baked goods such as muffins and quick breads. Additionally, In the U.K., it's used to make confections such as fudge, ice cream and truffles.

How healthy is clotted cream? ›

With a minimum butterfat content of 55%, clotted cream is high in fat with a rich mouthfeel. While not advisable to enjoy copious quantities of clotted cream daily, it does possess a good amount of vitamins A, B12, and D, calcium, magnesium, protein, zinc and phosphorus.

Does clotted cream taste like sour cream? ›

Crème fraîche has a sour flavour, giving it a distinctive taste that is very different from that of clotted cream, which has a nutty flavour from being heated and a buttery richness. It can help to bring additional creaminess to a dish, such as our Chicken, Leek & Potato Pie.

Is mascarpone the same as clotted cream? ›

Mascarpone, with a fat content of between 45-55%, is the only dairy product that comes close to the luxurious texture of clotted cream. It is a cheese, rather than a cream, but the flavours are not too dissimilar.

Can I whip clotted cream? ›

No. If done right, the consistency will already be thick and creamy with no extra whipping required. How do you loosen clotted cream? If you feel like the consistency is too thick, simply stir in a small amount of the thin leftover liquid.

Is buttermilk the same as clotted cream? ›

Clotted cream is sweet cream that has been heated using a specifc process to change its texture. Creme fraiche is a cultured product made from cream. It has at least 30% fat and is made with a special strain of mesophilic cultures. Buttermilk in the modern sense is a cultured product made from milk.

Do you refrigerate clotted cream? ›

An average rule of thumb is Clotted cream can be kept in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Once opened it lasts for approximately 4 days, depending on how you refrigerate it. Unopened clotted cream will keep for longer, up to 14 days.

Does the Queen like clotted cream? ›

3. Authentic Clotted Cream: The Queen was known for her appreciation of locally sourced ingredients. Her cream teas featured authentic Cornish clotted cream, rich and luxurious, adding an unmistakable touch of quality and tradition.

Can you put clotted cream in coffee? ›

Can you put clotted cream in coffee? Clotted cream is too heavy for coffee, but single and double cream can be used. To float double cream on top add some sugar to the coffee and lightly whip the cream first.

Can I take clotted cream to the USA? ›

It is absolutely permissable to bring clotted cream into the US from the UK. I've done it multiple times, but not in carry-on, it must go in checked baggage. Wrap it tightly in cling film to prevent leaks, pack in a soft cooler with a freezer block, declare on customs form et voila, clotted cream in the US!

Is clotted cream just whipped cream? ›

Clotted cream and whipped cream are both made with heavy cream, but while whipped cream is whipped into airy peaks, clotted cream is heated and separated, for a far denser texture. With its ultra-thick consistency, clotted cream can even be mistaken for butter.

Is Buttermilk and clotted cream the same thing? ›

Clotted cream is sweet cream that has been heated using a specifc process to change its texture. Creme fraiche is a cultured product made from cream. It has at least 30% fat and is made with a special strain of mesophilic cultures. Buttermilk in the modern sense is a cultured product made from milk.

What is the US equivalent to double cream? ›

The British use double cream in recipes the way we use heavy cream or whipping cream here in the US, but they also allow it to accompany dessert the way we might use ice cream.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.