What Foods Can Stain Teeth And What To Do About It? — PAGE Magazine (2024)

By PAGE Editor

"Coffee teeth" and "wine teeth" - these two expressions have something in common. They refer to a special shade of tooth enamel caused by the constant consumption of drinks (in our cases, coffee and wine).

Indeed, there are many foods that can affect tooth color more than others. And whether we like it or not, they significantly change the shade of the enamel. We lose the natural whiteness of our smile, and this can make us feel less confident.

In this article, we have compiled a list of common tooth staining products. We'll also tell you how to prevent tooth staining if you don't want to give up your favorite foods.

What Foods Can Stain Teeth And What To Do About It? — PAGE Magazine (3)

Main Teeth-Staining Foods

  • Grapes and wine. These two types of products share a common feature - they stain tooth enamel in a dark red, blue, or yellow color. And it's all due to the tartaric acid they contain. By the way, grape vinegar acts in a similar way and not only stains but also erodes tooth enamel with regular consumption.

  • Tomatoes and ketchup. Here, the situation is similar to grapes and wine. The acidity in these products and their characteristic bright red color work hand in hand, resulting in tooth staining. The same applies to other similar sauces and dishes with a high tomato content. They also alter the enamel color.

  • Coffee and tea. There are people who love coffee and can't stand tea, and vice versa. But few of them know that these drinks have something in common. They stain tooth enamel, making the smile darker.

  • Curry. A spice beloved by many due to the prevalence of Indian cuisine dishes, not only affects the color of dishes but also the shade of tooth enamel.

  • Berries, namely cherries, strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. The bright taste and intense color of these berries affect not only taste receptors but also the color of teeth.

  • Fruit juices. This includes not only berry juices but also other fruit juices. For example, orange or pomegranate juice are not the best friends of a pearly white smile.

  • Sweets and baked goods with food coloring. Bright or unnatural colors of sweets also change the color of tooth enamel.

Preventing Tooth Staining

So, if you enjoy the products mentioned above and are not ready to give them up forever, here are a few recommendations for preventing tooth staining:

  • Reduce the consumption of food that can stain teeth, but don't eliminate it from your diet entirely.

  • Use a straw when consuming juices, coffee, tea (and optionally wine). The choice is yours.

  • Take a few sips of water in between consuming such products and afterward to cleanse the enamel of your teeth.

  • Periodically visit a dental hygienist for professional oral hygiene.

What Foods Can Stain Teeth And What To Do About It? — PAGE Magazine (4)

Dental Care

When it comes to caring for your oral cavity to prevent tooth staining, it's quite simple:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day using fluoride toothpaste, which strengthens enamel.

  • Use a medium-stiffness toothbrush for oral hygiene to avoid damaging the enamel.

  • Clean not only the surface of your teeth and gums but also your tongue.

  • Use dental floss and mouthwash.

  • Monitor the time spent brushing your teeth; it should last at least 90-120 seconds.

Professional Teeth Whitening

In the previous sections, we discussed what to do to prevent tooth enamel staining. But what if it has already happened? The answer to this is professional teeth whitening.

For instance, at the Forest Hill dental clinic VIP Dental Care, they offer a professional whitening service called Zoom Teeth Whitening. The procedure includes professional hygiene, gentle application of whitening gel, and the use of UV lamp bleaching. Zoom Teeth Whitening allows significant enamel brightening in just one session.

In conclusion, staining of teeth by food products is a common issue. However, it can be addressed by following simple rules of oral hygiene. So take care of your smile's beauty and don't give up your favorite foods and drinks forever.






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What Foods Can Stain Teeth And What To Do About It? — PAGE Magazine (2024)
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