The Strongest: Broken - Chapter 6 - apocatit* - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter Text

Pain lances through Satoru's body as he stirs from slumber, the world tilting and swirling in a haze of confusion. Heat curls within him, an insidious whisper that calls out for one being, one name—Sukuna. In his state of half-consciousness he emits a distressed whine, his bright blue eyes scanning the room frantically for the imposing figure of the alpha he needs —the one he wants. The alpha couldn’t be far, not when he is like this… But it isn’t Sukuna who comes into view; instead, Shoko stands by the bed, her presence comforting yet not the one he yearns for.

"Sh-ko?" The word is a stuttered and plaintive murmur, his voice cracking under the strain of rising heat. “W-where… sk-na?”

"Toru, you'll be okay," Shoko assures with a gentle smile, ignoring his question to instead brush a strand of white hair from his feverish forehead. He leans into the touch, thankful for the coolness of her skin. "First, we need to get you cleaned up, you're still dirty from whatever you and Sukuna were doing earlier."

A wave of vulnerability crashes over Satoru at the thought of leaving his nest while in heat. His baser instincts are telling him to stay put, that he has no alpha around him to protect him from predators. He shakes his head and attempts to burrow deeper into the blankets of his makeshift nest, his sanctuary amidst the turmoil and uncertainty. "No," he protests weakly, the mere thought of moving bringing a fresh surge of discomfort.

"Come now," Shoko coaxes, her tone patient but firm. As a doctor, this isn’t her first rodeo with a difficult, heating omega. "Your alpha would want you to be clean, wouldn't he?" She tries, her hand, yet again, finding his heat-damp hair even in the cacophony of blankets and pillows that surround him. “And I know you want to be good for Sukuna, right?” Her voice is softer than usual, as if she is talking to a frightened pup.

The mention of Sukuna sparks something within Satoru —a desire to please, to be seen as worthy in those piercing crimson eyes. He tries to fight it, to put his foot down and stay put where he is, but his hivemind wants to prove he is good. With a resigned sigh, he allows the blankets to fall away, nodding in acquiescence to Shoko's request. Deep down, beneath the layers of heat-induced thoughts, he loathes himself and how keen he is to please the alpha. “Fine.”

Shoko smiles at him as he removes himself from his nest. He eyes her, noticing that her usual nonchalant demeanour has now faded away and been replaced by a sterile professionalism that one would expect from a doctor. Satoru can see why she specializes in treating battered omegas and helping rut-rinse deranged alphas during their rutting period. She isn’t an o-specialist, and she’ll be the first to tell you that, but she’s certainly the best doctor he’s had the pleasure of being treated by. He briefly wonders if perhaps it's because she is a beta herself, but there is an undeniable sense of neutrality emanating from her. Soft, assuring smiles and gentle touches that convey a sense of safety, as if she is telling him that he can trust her not to harm him, no matter what he does. The air around her feels calming and peaceful, like a protective shield against the chaos of the world and his mind.

“You’ll feel so much better once you're clean, Satoru.” She says, voice just above a whisper as she helps him steady his feet. He hasn’t been in heat in over a decade and this entire process is foreign to him, especially now as a heating adulting. Growing up, he wasn’t allowed to nest or lean into his natural body functions —all the proper ways for an omega to self-soothe were stripped from him, leaving him confused and uncomfortable. As a result, now even free of the clan, he has no idea what he needs or why he needs, he just knows that he needs. “Do you know what body wash you want?” Shoko asks, a calm smile on her face as he holds up two bottles. “This one says ‘blackberry sorbet bliss’.” The beta holds the dark purple bottle up. On a normal day, that would be the bottle he chose. Anything sweet, both in flavour or smell, has always been what he gravitates toward. Shoko nods to herself as if she heard him verbally decline before showing him the black bottle. “This one says ‘mountain man’s cabin’.” There is a different air to her smile when she reads the scent of the second bottle, as if she knows he is going to pick that one and why he’s going to pick it.

“That… one.” He croaks, pointing a shaking hand at the black bottle. He doesn’t need to explain why he wants that one, both him and Shoko know it’s because it belongs to Sukuna.

A small, understanding smile graces Shoko's lips as she hands him his chosen bottle. He cradles it close to his chest, long fingers wrapping around the plastic with a protective grip. The rich aroma of the soap wafts up and envelops his senses, stirring a soft keen from his chest at the familiar scent. "Shh, it's okay," Shoko soothes, her cool hand resting on the base of his neck in a calming gesture. The gentle touch sends shivers down his spine, easing his tense muscles as he takes a deep breath and lets her comforting presence distract him from the fact that he misses Sukuna.

“Let’s get you in there.” Shoko hums. She attempts to take the bottle from his tight grip which causes a whimper of fear to crawl up his throat. The beta nods in understanding and lets the bottle go. He doesn’t want to let it go, the thought of being separated from the one thing that smells the most of the alpha he is missing almost hurts. “Okay, okay.” She says calmly, stepping into the shower to turn on the water. “Can you safely walk in there without my help?” She asks him, turning her gaze from the taps to him. “I don’t mind getting in there to help, but I'll have to borrow some sweats after.” She jokes, offering him a hand.

Satoru eyes her for a moment, trying to clear the fog in his mind. He can think, somewhat normally right now, but it’s still hard to formulate words —it’s as if his body is still booting up. “I c-can… do it.” He mumbles, taking a few unsteady steps to the walk-in shower.

“The water is on the colder side of warm, okay? You’ve got a bit of a fever and we need to break it.”

Satoru nods slowly as he shuffles slowly into the shower, Sukuna’s body-wash still pressed tightly against his chest. The cool water causes him to hiss in shock, but before Shoko can rush to his side he shakes his head and peers at her from behind his hair. “s’ok.”

Shoko nods, taking a step back to lean against the claw-foot tub that is sat directly across from the walk-in shower. “You tell me if you need help, okay?”

He nods numbly, his gaze returning the bottle in his hands. His grip loosens slightly, but he tightens it again as he tries to pump the solution onto his palm. With each failed pump, his desperation grows and his heart sinks. “Please,” he pleads, tears streaming down his face as he frantically continues to try and get a whiff of the soap —needing to smell him. He knows he shouldn’t, but he can’t help himself. The need is overwhelming, and the conflict inside him rages on. “Alph-pha, please…” His vision blurs as his eyes sting. The fog that shrouded his mind is quickly returning as his distress climbs.

“Here. Here, Satoru.” Shoko's voice startles him out of his daze as she appears beside him. Her pyjamas are quickly dampened from standing under the spray of water, but she doesn't seem to mind as she helps him work the stubborn lid off the bottle. “Hold your hand out.” Her gentle command brings him back to reality and he follows obediently, observing her every move as she carefully pours the soap into his open palms. He can feel the coldness emanating from the soap, and it soothes him like a gentle caress. “There,” she says with a small smile, satisfaction in her eyes as she watches him cover his hands with suds.

“Sorry.” He whispers, looking away as he brings his hands to his face to take a deep inhale of the soap. Once again he keens, but this time it sounds more painful, as if he is crying out to someone for help.

“Here. Take this.” She hands him the bottle back, the lid permanently off. “I’m going to wash your hair while you sit down, okay?”

Satoru nods, his fingers tightening around the bottle as he takes it into his sudsy hands. The weight of it grounds him, anchoring him in the moment. "Here?" He asks, his voice barely above a whisper as he slowly starts to sink down to his knees on the slick shower floor. His mind races with thoughts of Sukuna —is the alpha okay? Why isn't he with him? Did he… reject him? Another whine crawls out of him at the thought of Sukuna rejecting him.

Shoko opens her mouth, likely to tell him to move from the floor, but something in his eyes makes her nod instead. “Okay.” She sighs, chuckling softly. “Okay. Just… Keep your eyes closed, I don’t wanna get shampoo in ‘em.”

Satoru nods and closes his eyes. He brings the bottle closer to his nose and lets himself drift while Shoko washes him. “You’re doing great.” She says as she wishes him, her hands are kind and efficient as they guide him through the motions —never straying from a professional path as they move his limbs every which way. At some point the haze in his mind slowly starts to lift and Satoru can’t help the petulant pout that forms on his lips as he realizes the position he’s in, earning a soft chuckle from his friend. "Brat." she teases, though her smile never waned.

Once the grime of the hunt is washed away and his skin glistens with droplets like morning dew, Shoko's gaze meets his. "Do you know where Sukuna's dirty clothes are?" she inquires, her question slicing through the fog once again building in his mind.

Satoru shakes his head, his pulse quickening at the mere mention of his… Alpha? No, that’s not right. They aren’t bonded —but he wants the alpha here, bonded or not. A whimper escapes him, the absence of Sukuna's strong yet comforting presence leaving a hollow ache in his chest.

"Stay here," Shoko instructs before slipping out of the bathroom. Left alone, Satoru shivers, the cold tiles underfoot and the chill of the air biting at his damp skin. He curls in on himself, his impressive six-foot-three frame seems almost half the size as he shrinks away into the corner of the shower, the bottle still clutched close to his chest.

It isn’t long before Shoko returns, her wet clothing now replaced with his blue sweatsuit. She has a large black T-shirt in hand—the unmistakable scent of Sukuna emanating from it. A whine escapes him when he smells it. “Satoru?” She calls out, noticing that he is no longer where she left him “Oh… Satoru…” Her voice is silhouetted in sadness when she spots him hiding in the corner, naked and shivering. “Here.” She helps him slide his arms into the oversized garment, which hangs off his frame like a nightgown, far too big for his more lithe frame.

“Sukuna will be happy to see you in this.” Shoko says, laughter in her voice. “Very happy.”

As soon as the fabric settles around him, enveloping him in Sukuna's scent, an almost-purr rumbles in Satoru's throat. The familiar aroma wraps around him like a cocoon, soothing the sharp edges of his heat-induced anxiety. Clad in the essence of the alpha he seeks, Satoru feels a semblance of peace return, his body relaxing as he leans into the comfort offered by the simple garment.

“Let’s get back to your nest.” Shoko says, interrupting his thoughts. His near-purr cuts off abruptly as he remembers that Shoko is with him and not Sukuna. He hasn’t purred since he was a child, and while he knows it’s a stupid thought, deep down, he wants Sukuna to be the first to hear his purr as an adult. He wants the alpha to purr in response, too. He smiles, remembering when Sukuna purred for him. It felt nice. He wonders if his purring would feel the same for the alpha.

“Okay.” He says, a soft, shy smile on his face.

Nestled back into the makeshift nest of blankets and clothes, Satoru pulls the black T-shirt closer around his lithe form. The scent of Sukuna clinging to the fabric is a balm to his ragged nerves. Shoko sits beside him, her concern etched in the furrow of her brow.

"How are you feeling now?" she asks gently, her voice a soft melody against the cacophony of Satoru's heartbeats.

"Clearer," Satoru admits, his voice a faint whisper, betraying the turmoil still simmering beneath his calm exterior. "Where... where is Sukuna?"

Shoko hesitates, her lips parting slightly before delivering her reply. "He chose to leave. He feared he might break his promise to you."

A blush creeps across Satoru's cheeks, a stark contrast against his pale skin, as he glances at the silent phone on the nightstand. It laid there like a sentinel, holding all the possibilities of connection and yet none at all.

"Would you like me to call him for you?" Shoko suggests. The offer hangs in the air, tempting and terrifying all at once.

Satoru remains silent, his gaze fixed on the device, but his pride holds firm. He didn't need to hear Sukuna's voice to know the alpha was unassailable, somewhere out there, strong and safe. To give in to the instinctual pull would be an admission of weakness he is simply not ready to make.

With a sigh, Shoko retrieves her own phone and dials Sukuna's number. The ringing tone fills the room, unanswered echoes that chipped away at Satoru's feigned indifference. She tries again, each attempt punctuating the growing unease with its persistent cadence.

When Sukuna's voicemail greets Shoko for the third time, her face contorts in frustration—a look that sends a shiver of trepidation through Satoru. A low whine escapes him, unbidden, as memories of the day's earlier trials crashed over him like waves over a rocky shore.

"Hey, hey, don't worry," Shoko says, reaching out to smooth a hand over Satoru's hair. "Sukuna is the strongest alpha on the planet. Nothing can harm him."

Satoru nods, trying to find solace in her words, but they were a flimsy shield against the onslaught of his heat-addled brain. As minutes turn into hours, his body starts to once again betray him. His temperature skyrockets, fever burning through him like wildfire. Nausea twisting his gut, leading to violent bouts of vomiting that left him weak and trembling.

"Sho... I..." he stuttered, unable to articulate the depth of his need. The absence of Sukuna felt like a gaping wound, raw and bleeding.

"Shh, it's okay," Shoko murmurs, though panic hides behind her professional mask.

“p-please…” Satoru's instincts began screaming that everything is far from okay. Shoko continues to attempt to soothe him as she continues calling Sukuna, yet the calls all end the same. An automatic voicemail telling her to leave a message.

“Satoru…” Shoko tries, her hand resting on his shoulder. As soon as her hand touches him, his pained, pleading nature shifts into something dangerous. His eyes, pupils blown black, lock on to her as he bares his teeth, his small, pointed omegan fangs glinting at her. “Sorry!” She says, pulling her hand back.

Time passes too fast while simultaneously passing too slow. His mind rolls like thunder over a valley, the sounds of Sukuna’s voicemail beating off the canals of his ears. It hurts. It all hurts. He lashes out suddenly, clawing at the blankets, at himself, at Shoko—anything to alleviate the searing pain coursing through him. The omega within cries out for its alpha, for Sukuna, whose very presence during this has become as vital as the air he breathes. “nnn… al-alpha… p-please…” He sobs, his mood shifting yet again. Gone is the aggression, now he is left a simpering mess, wanting nothing more than for the alpha to come barreling through the door. “Nh.. hurts…” His arms are burning from the self-inflicted scratch marks, his stomach is twisted and turning, sharp knife-like pain shooting through his body after each movement he makes.

Shoko doesn't attempt to comfort Satoru again, instead with her heart hammering against her ribs, Shoko dials Rimi's number, her voice shaky as she relays the dire state Satoru is in. "I'm telling you, Rimi, he's burning up and Sukuna's nowhere to be found," Shoko implores, desperation lacing each syllable. “I don’t have enough knowledge about this to help.”

"Shoko, have you tried reaching Sukuna?" Rimi's groggy voice holds a tinge of concern.

Shoko makes an indignant noise. "Of course, I have! But he's not picking up. It's like he's vanished," she whispers the last part as she begins pacing back and forth across the cool wooden floor.

"Text me your location—I'll be there as soon as I can." The line goes dead, and seconds later, Shoko's phone buzzes with Rimi's request for the address.

Satoru lets out a keening cry, curling tighter in on himself. “Pl-pleeeease… M’sorry… ple-please…”

Shoko grits her teeth, her jaw clenched tightly as she glares at Sukuna’s contact information on her phone. Frustration and worry mingle in her mind. Where is Sukuna? She knows the alpha would never purposely ignore her calls, especially not when Satoru, the omega of his interest, is in the throes of heat. Shoko paces back and forth some more, her steps quick and erratic as she dials Sukuna’s number once again, urgency in her actions.

“Nhh… S-sorry…” Satoru whimpers, his body jerks when Shoko bumps into a stand nearby. “Sorrysorrysssorry!’

“Nonono… Satoru, you’re okay.” She whispers, lifting her gaze from the phone to look at her friend. He doesn’t look good. His body is flushed, eyes glossy and distant. He’s panting harder than he should and his words are slurred as if he just got back from a binge. “f*ck.” Shoko hisses, dialing Sukuna’s number again. She waits impatiently for her Rimi to arrive, hoping that her o-specialist fiancé will have some answers. Whatever Satoru is experiencing isn’t normal. Shoko has never seen an omega go through so many states of emotions during a heat. To go from being in pain and desperate to feral and aggressive only to flip a switch and become docile and scared. It’s all so peculiar. “f*cking f*ck.” She hisses again, looking back at her phone. “Fff*ck.” The air in the room feels stifling and heavy with tension as she anxiously awaits for Sukuna to answer or for Rimi to arrive and help figure out what is going on with Satoru.

An agonizing hour later, Rimi stumbles into Satoru's room, her eyes half-lidded but alert. As she approaches the omega's nest, Satoru emits a plaintive whine so faint it barely disturbed the air. Rimi's own omega senses tingle in response, drawing her closer to Satoru's trembling form.

"Hey, sweetheart, you're going to be okay," Rimi whispers, her presence a soothing balm even amidst her own dishevelment. She takes a few short minutes to assess the heating omega, checking his pulse, eyes and gums. Every answer she gets draws worry. "Shoko, we need to get Sukuna here, now. This… f*ck… sh*t —I think it's a rejection response.”

Shoko pauses her pacing, dread making her heart clench. “You mean…”

“Yes, and if i'm right it could kill him," Rimi says firmly, her professional demeanour surfacing despite her fatigue.

“f*ck!” Panic seizes Shoko, her professionalism gone. She frantically resumes her attempts to contact Sukuna, leaving increasingly urgent voicemails and texts that plead for his immediate return.

Halfway across the globe, Sukuna is entrapped in a frosted memory, reliving a moment long past with his brother Satoshi. A persistent vibration in his pocket jolts him to the present, and with a snarl, he shatters the icy tendrils Uraume had wrapped him in.

"Uraume, how long?" he demands, brushing shards of ice from his clothes.

"Several hours, Lord Sukuna," Uraume replies, unfazed by the alpha's ire.

The missed calls on his phone were well over a hundred, all from Shoko. His chest tightens—a mixture of anxiety and something darker, more primal swirling beneath his skin. He redials her number, and the second she answers, a barrage of curses and fear-filled demands hit him.

"Sukuna! What the f*ck! Where —never mind! Get back here now! Satoru—he uh… just get back here!" Shoko's voice is shrill, terrified. Something has happened while he was exploring his past and he finds himself annoyed for not expecting it. Satoru has been anything but a usual case.

A low growl escapes him as he looks skyward, muttering about cosmic trials and tribulations. With a thought, he teleports back to the house, relieved to find his protective wards still active and not tampered with. He makes his way slowly through the house, his intense gaze landing on anything that he may deem a threat.

His eyes find nothing.

“I am here.” He announces, for Satoru’s benefit more than anything else, as he steps into the room, his imposing frame filling the doorway. Sukuna's eyes fall upon the scene: Satoru, clearly delirious, cradled by an unfamiliar omega. Instincts scream at him to react, to claim what was his, but the beta human’s scent lingers on the stranger, staying his hand.

“Rimi.” He hears Shoko hiss.

“Oh,” The omega, Rimi, says, looking up at him from where she is cradling his omega. Her vibrant green eyes narrow for just a moment before she nods to him. "You must be Sukuna," Rimi begins, her tone cautious but insistent, "Satoru needs closeness, comfort. Nothing... intense. Just touch."

“Is that it?” He grits out, the scent of Satoru’s heat thick on his tongue.

“Well,” Rimi clears her throat, adjusting herself so that she can get out of the nest. Sukuna hears Satoru whimper pitifully when she removes herself, the sound makes him frown. “He is experiencing symptoms of rejection.” She says, voice soft. “Ieiri informed me that you left out of… respect for Satoru.” His voice lifts, a smile gracing her soft face. If Sukuna were interested in her type he might even consider her beautiful. “It is nice to hear that you respect him so much, but he needs you here. This heat isn’t…” He watches as her eyes dart around the room, searching for the words to say. “His heat isn’t normal, I suppose. I’m sure you expected that, though.”

Sukuna nods, he could smell it when Satoru first flowered just a few scant hours prior. This heat was unique.“I suspected that it was a result of the distance between this and his last.”

Rimi taps her chin, a familiar gesture he has seen Shoko do many times. “Yes, that would explain why his hormone levels are so odd —anyway,” She clears her throat and looks at him, her eyes speaking wells of knowledge. “I cannot ask him, but I assume that his reaction is because of your lack of presence… I think he thinks you rejected him.” She says, looking over at where Satoru lay listless in his nest.

Rejection? Sukuna's glare could have curdled blood, yet he manages a curt nod, acknowledging the gravity of Satoru's condition. “I will tend to him.” He says, walking past her. Ending the conversation. While Satoru experiencing symptoms of rejection is awful, it solidifies a fact to Sukuna. Satoru has begun to accept him as a mate in some shape or form for the omega to be experiencing such a thing.

"Should we stay?" Rimi asks, motioning to herself and Shoko. "We've been present for such matters before."

"Out," he commands, though a fraction softer than his usual timbre. “Uraume will assist you in finding a room." The last thing he needed was witnesses to how he handles Satoru's vulnerable state—or to his own wavering control.

Rimi and Shoko nod to him, informing him they will have their phones on should anything happen. The door clicks shut, leaving Sukuna alone with Satoru. The room is thick with the scent of distress; it clings to the walls, permeates the air, and wraps around Sukuna like a suffocating cloak. Satoru lays before him, a vision of torment—his slender frame writhing on the bed, his breath coming in uneven gasps. His whines pierced the silence, each one a dagger to Sukuna.

"Shh, I'm here," Sukuna murmurs, even as Satoru's cries continue unabated. He reaches for the omega, pulling him gently into his arms. The heat from Satoru's body was near scalding, the fever raging within him an inferno that refuses to be tamed.

"Sorry... will be good..." Satoru's voice breaks, words slurred by pain and delirium.

"None of that," Sukuna says sharply, a growl rumbling in his chest at the memories evoked by those words. He halts the sound immediately when it only serves to distress Satoru further. Softening his tone, he strokes Satoru's hair back from his forehead. "You're already perfect, pretty one."

Hazy blue eyes lock on to him and a small smile flickers on Satoru's lips, a brief respite from his anguish. “Alpha…” He whispers, his voice full of adoration.

Sukuna's tongue glides slowly over his lips, savouring the sweet taste of the omega that lingers in the air. His gaze, fixated on the omega in front of him, is momentarily interrupted as he takes a minute to gather his thoughts. He wants to taste him —his teeth ache with the urge to consume. Hearing Satoru speak in reverence of him… Satoru is pushing his luck speaking to him with such seduction, but despite this, Sukuna manages to maintain his composure and responds with a deep breath before finally answering, "Yes, Satoru. I am here." The air thickens with tension, like a storm brewing on the horizon. Sukuna's muscles tense as he battles internally with his urges. The things he could do to the body before him —the way he could bend those hips, pin those arms, bit that pale skin. “Hnnn.” He growls.

“Sorry…” The omega lets out a soft whine, his trembling hand reaching out in search of something to hold onto. Sukuna quickly grabs the thin wrist and guides it to rest on his chest, just above his heart. The strong, steady beat beneath Satoru's touch, reassuring and calming him.

“You have nothing to apologize for.” He gently hushes Satoru, tucking him into his embrace and guiding his movements with ease. Satoru's long, pale limbs flail slightly as he is positioned against Sukuna's chest, the omega’s damp face nuzzling into his neck. A few soft whimpers escape Satoru's lips as he adjusts to the new position, but they are quickly replaced by content sighs as the rich, spicy scent of Sukuna envelops him. The aroma around the omega shifts, changing the tart layer of discomfort to a now sweet coating of contentment. More happy and pleased sighs escape Satoru’s panting mouth as the warmth of Sukuna's embrace brings a sense of safety to him, calming his nerves and welcoming rest.

Sukuna feels as Satoru’s tense muscles start to unravel, relaxing under the gentle touch of Sukuna's hands. There are minutes upon minutes of silence as the omega sinks deeper into the embrace, as if Satoru is attempting to become one with him. “Alpha…” He hears Satoru whisper against his neck, the human’s voice filled with a sense of peace and happiness. Nothing more is said after that, the only sounds being content omegan coos as Satoru relaxes fully against him.

The minutes slip away like grains of sand through an hourglass, each one marking a moment lost to the past and each one seemingly longer than the last as Sukuna remains frozen in place. Daring not to make a move, afraid that even the slightest disturbance will wake the resting omega. If only he were allowed to fulfill the omega's needs, to quench the burning desire inside of him, then this fear would be idiotic and unneeded… But his promise, his duty to Satoru, takes precedence over his primal instincts. So instead, he let himself drift into his memories, back to a time before this and before he became a vessel of power...

Golden rays of sunlight caressed the verdant field where Sukuna lay sprawled across an old, tattered blanket. The warmth of the midday sun was a rare treat, and he basked in its embrace, his tan skin soaking in the heat while a lazy breeze whispered through blades of grass. At sixteen, Sukuna's formidable presence was already evident; his nearly seven-foot frame stretched out, tribal tattoos given to him at a younger age winding over his muscular build like the roots of an ancient tree. His crimson eyes were closed in repose, and for a moment, the world seemed at peace.

"Sukuna!" The urgent call shattered the calm. Satoshi, Sukuna's older brother by one year, stood at the edge of the field, his pink hair fluttering like petals in the wind. Olive-skinned with eyes the color of fresh leaves, Satoshi was a figure that drew both admiration and unwanted attention. As an omega, his beauty was a curse as much as a gift, and Sukuna's protective instincts flared to life.

"Come on! Mother needs us," Satoshi implored, false urgency lacing his tone. Reluctantly, Sukuna rose, his movements languid but deceptively quick. He towered over his brother as they made their way away from the crop fields and into town, a place that Sukuna loathed to be as the disparity in their status as alpha and omega hung between them like an unspoken truth.

As they walked, Satoshi told him of a flower he had seen in the meadow. One of a kind in a bush of similar. Taller than the rest, a thin, thorny stem with large, beautiful white petals that intertwined. “It’s a rose, Kuna. One I have never seen before!” His brother grinned. “Oh, I wish you could have seen it! It had sapphire rimming on each petal that almost glittered in the sun. I wonder what kind it is… It’s got to be a good omen.” Satoshi told him, smiling as they carried on their journey.

“Why didn’t you take it then?” He said. Satoshi had punched him in the arm for that and made a noise similar to a squawk.

“Why would I? It would have died.”

Sukuna shrugged at him, not sure why it mattered to his brother if the flower died. “Another will grow in its place.”

Satoshi stopped mid step and threw a glare at him, his hands resting on his hips. “How can you be so sure? I’m telling you, it was one of a kind!”

“Sure.” Sukuna laughed.

Satoshi had continued to stand there, unamused until he too started to laugh. “What am I going to do with you, my brute of a brother?”

They shared a few more laughs as they continued their walk, however, the serenity of the day did not last. A group of alpha men, brimming with arrogance and entitlement, emerged from the tree-line, their leers fixed on Satoshi, their intentions as clear as the malice in their eyes. Sukuna's heart pounded, his smart mind racing to anticipate their moves as he placed himself between the alphas and his brother. What he lacked in fighting knowledge, he made up in size.

"Isn't he just the prettiest thing?" one of the men sneered, reaching out with a grimy hand towards Satoshi's long, pink hair. Sukuna's sarcastic tongue was a blade he wielded well, but before he could cut them down with words, fists flew. Strong-willed and imposing, Sukuna fought back with ferocity, but there was no overcoming a pack of mature alphas at his young age. They descended upon the brothers like vultures, their blows heavy and relentless.

Sukuna tasted blood and dirt, his vision swimming as he tried to rise again. He cared not of his own condition and only of his brothers. They were targeting Satoshi, Sukuna knew that.

“S’toshi.” He grunted when a particularly hard boot hit his ribs. The beating was merciless until the alphas, satisfied with their display of dominance, left the brothers crumpled in the dirt. Satoshi, despite his own bruises, crawled to Sukuna's side, his delicate hands trembling as he inspected the damage.

"Stay still," Satoshi whispered, his voice steady despite the fear that lingered in his eyes. "We could have ignored them, Sukuna. You can't let them provoke you like this."

As Satoshi gently wiped away the blood from Sukuna's split lip, the younger brother looked up into those olive green orbs, filled with compassion and resilience. In that moment, Sukuna understood the true strength of his brother, an omega who bore the weight of the world with a grace that belied his delicate appearance.

"Sorry, Satoshi," Sukuna muttered, the sting of his wounds paling in comparison to the guilt that gnawed at him. He had wanted to protect his brother, to shield him from the cruelty of their world, but instead, they lay together in the dirt, united by the pain inflicted by those who saw them as lesser.

"Promise me, Sukuna," Satoshi said quietly as he tied a makeshift bandage around Sukuna's hand, "promise me you'll never become like them."

Sukuna's chest tightened at the plea. He didn't need to ask who 'them' referred to; the rotten alphas who thrived on power and fear. With a nod, heavier than any promise he'd ever made, Sukuna swore to himself and to Satoshi. He wouldn't become a monster like those who had just left his brother broken and battered. He would be good, for Satoshi's sake, if nothing else.

“I promise, Toshi.” He mumbled, a smile grew on his face when he felt Satoshi rest his head on his shoulder.

“I know.” Satoshi said to him as he took one of Sukuna’s large hands into both of his own. “You have too much heart to be heartless like them, Kuna.” Sukuna watched as Satoshi slid some of his long, cherry blossom coloured hair behind one ear. The omega hissed softly when his fingers brushed against a fresh cut. “Come, mother said she got vegetables from the market that haven't expired.”

Sukuna nodded and stood to his impressive height, Satoshi following in suit. His gaze slid over the field to the nearby building where he noticed the same group of alphas lingering, likely waiting for him to leave Satoshi alone, but that would never happen. He knew what would happen if he did.

“Such a good boy.” He heard Satoshi chuckle, likely noticing where his eyes were travelling. “Use more of this,” His brother leaned up to tap him on the forehead. Satoshi then grabbed both of his hands. “and less of these.”

Sukuna squinted at the poke and then grumbled. “I can’t protect you or our family if I only use my head, Satoshi. I need to be stronger —the strongest.”

Satoshi shook his head, a sad smile tugging at his lips. His vibrant eyes lost some of their shine as he spoke. “You needn’t to worry about me.’ The omega then looked up at him, a large smile on his face. Satoshi had always been good at hiding his feelings. Being raised in this hell hole meant he had to be good at it —Sukuna respected and idolized him for it. “I’m supposed to be your big brother and protector.”

“I don’t need protection.” Sukuna nodded to the group of alphas. “You do.” He regretted saying it as soon as it left his lips. He watched as hurt flickered across his brother’s face, but before he could open his mouth to apologize Satoshi smiled and took his hand.

“Let’s go help mother.” The omega said.

“Satoshi…” He started, pausing in his steps. He needed to apologize. “I didn’t—”

“It’s okay, Kuna. I forgive you.” Satoshi looked over his shoulder at him, the rays of sun caught his face, lighting it up as he spoke. “You’re right. I can’t protect you. Not anymore.”

The air between them was thick with tension, heavy and suffocating. They walked side by side, but their minds were miles apart. The rustle of corn stalks and the crunch of gravel beneath their feet added to the quietness that enveloped them. The weather was beautiful as they walked home, but Sukuna’s mind was stuck on the hurt in Satoshi’s eyes.

Shortly after they returned home they were enlisted to help their mother prepare dinner. Her light mood had been infectious as they helped her shuck corn and peel potatoes in the small, stuffy kitchen. They all shared laughs while their mother told them stories of their childhood, the reality of their sad lives forgotten, but not a single word passed between him and Satoshi. The only sound they shared was that of their synchronized movements as they worked in perfect unison.

When the preparations for dinner were finished, he and Satoshi sat in the only other room on the main floor, in utter silence. Sukuna could feel the weight of his brother's gaze on him every now and then, but he couldn't bring himself to meet it. He wanted to apologize, to make things right between them, but he didn't know how. He hated speaking out of turn to his older brother because even if he were in pain and suffering Sukuna knew that Satoshi would never tell him.

“Satoshi…” Sukuna said, scratching at the back of his neck.

Satoshi’s gaze lifted from where their infant brother, Sechi, lay in his arms. “Yes?”

“I…” Before Sukuna could finish mustering up the courage to speak, their mother's voice interrupted them. She called out for them to join her at the table for dinner. Sukuna heard her mention Sho and Shuu, his younger sisters who had been playing outside in the field. His heart clenched. He hated when they went off without him. They, while not omegas, were betas and can still be treated just as badly especially when they share their mother’s beauty.

Satoshi broke their stare with a small, knowing smile and motioned towards the door. “I’m sure they’re fine.” His voice was soft and understanding. “Now go.”

Sukuna let out a heavy, resigned sigh that echoed through the room. “Yes.” He said loudly. His mother's request had been heard and as he stood up from his seat he looked over at Satoshi, who was silently tending to Sechi, their sickly brother. The sound of Sukuna's footsteps echoed on the dingy wood floors as he made his way towards the door, the only other sound in the room besides the soft whispers of his brother’s gentle words to Sechi.

He located Sho and Shuu, just a short distance away, and was filled with relief at the sight of them. Their rosy cheeks, peach-pink hair and sparkling maroon eyes showed that they were unharmed from their adventure in the fields. The girls were crouched on the ground, their hands cupped around a small frog, their laughter bubbling through the air. Sukuna allowed them to play for a bit longer before he announced his presence. It was comforting to see them playing, their innocence not lost. Unlike him who lost his innocence and happiness to the horrors of this village at a young age. “Girls!” He called out as he jumped from behind a tree, smiling wider when they squealed his name. “Mother said dinner is ready.”

“Awww, but we’re having fun!” They said in unison, a common occurrence.

“Sure…” Sukuna shrugged. “I guess you want warts then.” He warned, smirking when they dropped the frog and stared at him with concern. He crouched beside them and told them of a horror story. How long ago a frog king cursed human-kind for hurting his people and promised that all humans who bully frogs shall become wart-covered monstrosities. He added some embellishments for extra flair, and though it was just a silly old superstition Sho's eyes welled up with tears, her thoughts consumed by the fear of becoming disfigured, while Shuu only grinned mischievously, enjoying the game of teasing her sister. After calming Sho down, Sukuna gently helped them release the harmless creature back into its natural habitat, before leading them back home with a sense of contentment in his heart. Seeing them play is worth any and all trials.

As he returned to their house with his twin siblings, his keen eyes immediately spotted a horse stationed in their yard. He looked it over as they got closer, taking in its lustrous mane —a gorgeous chestnut breed and well cared for. “sh*t.” He cursed, his heart began to thump in his chest, dread pumping through his veins like a relentless wave. The insignia on the saddle was familiar. “sh*t. sh*t.” Instantly, his mind conjured up thoughts of the village lord —Gib? Gun? Gob? Gon? Who had set his sights on taking Satoshi as a mate. Thankfully, their absent father, always lost in a haze of alcohol, was hardly present, leaving all bonding and mating decisions to fall on his shoulders as the only alpha in the household. The lord knew that Sukuna would never agree to Satoshi bonding with him, but if he had managed to sneak a visit while Sukuna was away and poison Satoshi's mind with falsehoods, Sukuna knew without a doubt that his brother would be quick to sacrifice himself for their family's sake. “sh*tsh*tsh*t.” Every step felt heavy, every breath laboured as he approached the home, unsure of what news awaited him inside.

“Satoshi!” He yelled, pushing through the door. Sho and Shuu shuffled in behind him, the sounds of their soft footfall filling the air.

“Ah, Sukuna.” The sound of his mother's voice reached Sukuna's ears, slightly wavering and filled with emotion. He couldn't help but feel a prickling sensation at the back of his neck, sensing a shift in her demeanor. What had transpired during the brief time he was away?

“Mother,” Sukuna's feet carried him swiftly towards her, eager to make sure she was unharmed. As he approached, he noticed the unknown alpha standing nearby, just a few steps away, a looming figure in contrast to his petite and delicate mother. Despite this, Sukuna paid them no mind as he focused on the warmth radiating from his mother as she embraced him. “Who is that?” He asked, voice soft, as he tilted his head slightly in the direction of the stranger.

The man, with a sharp dip of his head and a distant smile, acknowledged him. It was obvious to Sukuna that this strange alpha had overheard the question as he took a confident step towards him. While the alpha moved closer, his pheromones wafted through the air —hints of old books and aged wood hit Sukuna’s senses. The false niceness was lost to Sukuna as he held the man’s gaze. Behind that smile lingered a glint of contempt and arrogance, inviting nothing but Sukuna’s rage. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sukuna, I’m—”

“What do you want?” Sukuna impatiently cut the man off, his irritation bubbling to the surface at the man's insincere presence and false veneer of manners. The air around them seemed to grow heavy with tension as Sukuna bristled at the audacity of this man's intrusion.

“Hm.” The alpha's sharp gaze narrowed, conveying his blatant disapproval of Sukuna's disrespectful attitude. "You have been summoned to dine with the Elders," he declared, carefully scrutinizing him from head to toe. "I was unsure of their reasoning for sending me to retrieve you, but now I understand." A weighty pause hung in the air before a sly grin spread across the man's face. "You are of good stock." The alpha's voice brimmed with the same admiration a farmer would have after having discovered a prized bull.

Sukuna’s feet carried him toward the man, his fist clenched as he closed the distance between them. He glared down his nose at the alpha, grinning at the fear that bled into the man’s scent. “Say that again.” He growled, leaning down so that he and the man were nearly nose to nose. “I didn’t quite hear that last part.”

Soft steps interrupted him, their gentle rhythm breaking through the silence. “Sukuna?” To his left stood Satoshi and a few steps back. He was now dressed in a thin kimono, one that he often wore around the house especially given the summer heat. Half of his light hair was pulled back, exposing the graceful curve of his neck —a neck he never exposed to the public or strangers. "Who is this?" Satoshi whispered.

"My word," Sukuna heard the man breathe out in awe, Sukuna’s threat forgotten. "You are breathtaking."

Satoshi's forehead creased in a frown at the unexpected compliment, immediately taking a step back and seeking shelter behind Sukuna's taller frame. The air inside their small house was thick with the tangy scent of Satoshi's and his mother’s discomfort, setting off alarms within Sukuna's alpha instincts to protect and soothe his family.

“That’s enough. Get out.”

The man's eyes lingered on Satoshi before finally tearing away, but Sukuna could still feel the irritation bubbling within him. It was obvious that the man wanted something from Satoshi, just like all the other alphas in this cursed village who couldn't control themselves. "My apologies," the man stammered, his gaze now fixed on Sukuna who towered over him by a head. "As I was saying, you have been invited to dine with the Elders tonight.”

Sukuna's deep, rumbling growl reverberated through the air, a warning to the alpha standing before him. He leaned back, his muscular arms crossed over his broad chest, exuding power and dominance. His towering height easily dwarfed the smaller alpha in front of him, making it clear who was in control. With a sly grin, Sukuna spoke, his voice dripping with arrogance and deceit. "I have already eaten," he declared, though the truth was far from it.

“That is fine, you do not need to eat. The elders wish to speak with you anyhow.”

A gentle hand, soft and warm, rested on Sukuna's tense back. "Go, my son," his mother urged with a reassuring smile. Her delicate fingers traced soothing patterns along his spine as she pressed a kiss to his shoulder. The familiar aroma of her jasmine and lilac scent enveloped him, offering comfort and support in this moment of uncertainty.

He took a deep, centering breath before nodding. “Fine.”

“Excellent. Let us make haste!” The man said, resting a hand on Sukuna’s shoulder. “Follow me.” He said but it was drowned out by the loudness of Sukuna’s growling. Instantly the man removed his hand from where it rested and gave Sukuna an apologetic bow. “If you would…” The man said, voice wavering in fear as he began moving toward the door.

Sukuna turned, ignoring the man to instead look at his mother and brother. Thankfully the rest of his siblings were busy eating in the other room, the soft sound of their dishes telling him such. “Do not answer the door for anyone.” He said, voice nearly a command.

Both his mother and Satoshi smiled at him. “Of course.” His mother said, stepping closer. Sukuna knelt down, knowing exactly what she was going to do. “Be a good boy.” His mother whispered, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

“We’ll be okay, Kuna.” Satoshi said, coming closer. His warm hand rested on Sukuna’a head and ruffled his hair. “Bring me back a persimmon.” His brother joked.

Sukuna straightened himself to his full height and snorted, "Sure." His voice was light but there was a hint of worry in his tone. While he knows his mother and brother were strong, they were still omegas. Omegas that he was about to leave alone with four children —one of them being terminally ill. He turned to face his mother and brother, who were now gathered near the doorway, and repeated his instructions: "Remember, don't answer for anyone." As he shut the door and walked toward the man stationed on his horse, a knot of dread began to form in his stomach. He turned his head and gave his home one last glance, a smile forming on his face when he noticed Satoshi, the twins and Suma in the single window waving at him. He nodded to them and turned back toward the man, something felt off about this sudden request, and it left him with a nagging feeling that things may not go as planned.

What could the elders want with the teenage alpha?

“You can ride on the back of Beauty.” The alpha's voice cut through the silence, pulling Sukuna out of his thoughts. He cast a cold glance at the alpha before turning and striding confidently toward the Elders' villa. The heavy weight of uncertainty rested on his shoulders as he walked, each step deliberate and purposeful. He hadn’t been requested to eat with the Elders in many moons. Not since he nearly killed one of their sons. It didn’t matter if Sukuna felt that he deserved it for daring to touch his sisters.

The sun beat down on him mercilessly, casting harsh shadows across the path ahead. Just a few steps behind he could hear the steady pattern of trotting hooves from the man’s horse, and he was part of mind to spook it. Maybe, if he was lucky, the horse would throw the man off and crack his skull, break his neck or something equally as enjoyable.

“What’s your name?” He stopped in his tracks and spun on his heel to look at the other alpha, his crimson eyes taking in the short, bulbous form of the strange alpha.

“Kage Kuroi.” The alpha said, a smirk crawling across his rotund face.

Sukuna eyed the man. Kage Koroi can be roughly translated into Black Shadow. Satoshi would tell him that that name is a bad omen, a sign that a path involving that man leads to nowhere great and judging by the way Kuroi looks at him the man agrees. “Hmph.” He grunted, not bothering to comment. Sukuna doesn’t believe in those trivial superstitions anyway.

“What is yours?” He heard the man ask over the sound of Beauty’s heavy trots.

“You know it.”

“Yes, but only your first. What is your familial name? Is your name like mine —an omen?”

Sukuna remains silent for the duration of their walk, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. The alpha, Kuroi, makes several attempts to engage him in conversation, but Sukuna sees no need to respond. He has never been one for idle chatter, preferring to only speak when necessary. It is odd that Kuroi had even attempted to spark conversation with him —especially given the arrogant and judging attitude the man had at the introduction of this walk.

As they reach the villa, where two imposing figures stand guard. Two alphas, his nose supplied, their eyes sharp, stood tall and vigilant at the entrance, their muscular frames casting imposing shadows on the ancient stone walls. One of them, with a scar running across his cheek —a fierce battle mark, clenched his fists tightly around the hilt of a sword. The other alpha, adorned in intricate armor that shimmered in the moonlight, had a wolf-like grace to his movements as he scanned the surroundings with keen senses, every muscle poised for action at a moment's notice. Together, they exuded an aura of unwavering protection.

The sight of them caused a sound to escape his lips, it's akin to a low grunt of approval. They look strong —fighting them would teach him many things.

“Invitation.” The scarred one grunted, holding a hand out. Sukuna squared his shoulder back, preparing for a fight. They are demanding to see something he knows he does not have, but Kuroi effortlessly produces a letter from his pocket and thrusts it towards them with a confident air. "Signed and sealed," he declares, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

The two alphas bowed in respect. "Lord Kage," they greeted before stepping aside to allow them entrance.

Kuroi beckoned for Sukuna to follow as he rode through the gate, the powerful hooves of Beauty creating a rhythmic beat against the ground. Sukuna trailed behind them, not bothering to greet the guards or acknowledge their presence. As strong as they are, they are still just guards. Upon entrance past the gate, Sukuna noticed that the staff shifted away from him, their heads down as if expecting him to unleash pain upon them. Turning his head to look at Kuroi, Sukuna saw a dark smirk on the alpha's face. So the staff seems to fear Kuroi, not him. Why? He thinks to himself.

"Here you are," Kuroi said, breaking Sukuna from his thoughts as he dismounted from Beauty. Leading him up a few steps to a guest house adjacent to the main villa, Kuroi added with a hint of sarcasm, "Enjoy your stay." Sukuna's sharp gaze followed Kuroi's retreating figure, his thoughts drifting back to the comfort of his home far away from this oppressive environment. The guest house, while much larger than his own family home, felt suffocating and foreign to him, with its unfamiliar scents and sounds. He yearned for the familiar sights and smells of home, where he could hear the twins, Sho and Shuu, bothering Suma, Sechi crying in his mother’s arms or Satoshi telling him of plants he’d seen. But for now, he was stuck here, under the watchful eye of his hosts.

As the sun began to set, a beta servant arrived with folded clothing in their arms. The soft fabric was a deep, rich colour and the intricate patterns were expertly woven —clearly indicating it was made by someone skilled in the art of tailoring. The beta advised him that the Elders would like for him to wear their provided garments and that wearing a kimono covered in dried blood and dirt was unbefitting of a guest, but Sukuna shook his head in refusal. He much preferred the simple white kimono his brother and mother had painstakingly crafted for him. It fit his form perfectly and was more than comfortable enough. Despite the beta's persistent attempts to convince him otherwise, Sukuna stood his ground. Quickly realizing that they were not going to win the battle, the servant gave up and led Sukuna to the grand hall within the villa, where a group of older, high-class alphas sat dining on lavish delicacies and sipping on exorbitantly priced wines. “You must be Sukuna! Come join us,” exclaimed the most flamboyant alpha of the group, gesturing towards an empty chair next to him. “We've only just begun.”

The wooden chair groaned under the weight of Sukuna’s body as he sat among the village leaders, his stomach choosing to growl loudly enough to be heard over the pause in the chatter around him. “You!” The flamboyant one yelled, waving a hand at a nearby servant. “Bring this boy some food!” The servant nodded and offered Sukuna apologies before they disappeared. They were not gone long before they returned with a plate piled high with roasted meats and savoury stews. “Eat.” The alpha beside him urged. “You live on the other side of town, you must be famished from your journey.” Sukuna grunted in reply as he eyed the plate before him. He felt guilty to be given such delicacies when his family was stuck sharing the small pot of food his mother made earlier. “Please, do tell me if you want more.” He heard the alpha whisper against him as he ate —each bite a stark contrast to the meagre scraps he is provided at home.

As time went on, he chose to share a few words here and there with the alpha beside him. He told him of his name, and of his age. Eventually dessert was brought out, and as he ate, his mind wasn't on the burst of flavours but on the pockets and folds within his kimono, which he surreptitiously filled with bread rolls and dried fruit when no one was watching.

"Enjoying the meal, Sukuna?" one of the elders asked, a glint of suspicion in his eyes.

"Very much so," Sukuna replied with a forced smile, his voice steady despite the adrenaline that raced through him. He couldn't afford to get caught —the thought of his hungry siblings panged louder than any fear, and he promised Satoshi persimmons.

“Excellent.” The elder's voice boomed with satisfaction as he set his delicate, intricately designed chopsticks down with a soft clink. “Now, let us delve into the purpose of this gathering.”

Sukuna abruptly stopped mid-bite, his appetite now forgotten. Since he first sat at the table, he had been so consumed with thought on how to pilfer these delicious dishes in front of him that he had completely overlooked the true reason for his presence here. He knew better than to assume that the elders would show any kindness without expecting something in return. That lesson had been drilled into him from a young age.

“Sukuna,” a raspy, aged voice spoke up from the far left end of the long, ornate table, drawing all attention to its owner.

Sukuna's sharp crimson gaze followed the sound of the voice, his eyes landing on a short, heavily aged man. The man's wrinkled face was covered in scars, each one a testament to his battles and hardships. His left eye was permanently sealed shut, the skin puckered and discolored from a gruesome scar. He bore barely any hair, just a few long, wispy strands on either side of his head, but where he lacked in hair he made up for in his impressive beard. A long, stark white beard rested on his chin, dipping far below the table as if it had a life of its own. "We have a request," he said with false cheer, his one good eye squinting as if trying to make out Sukuna's expression. The room fell silent, and the only sound was the crackling of the fireplace and the occasional clink of glasses as patrons turned to listen to the conversation.

His brow furrowed in confusion, and he shifted his weight uncomfortably. "What is it?" he asked, his voice tinged with irritation and a hint of apprehension.

"You are truly admirable, especially considering your youth and the high rank you hold as an alpha," the old man praised, his bony fingers stretching towards the sky as he spoke. "It is a pity that you were born into such lowly —ahem, humble circ*mstances."

Sukuna's teeth clenched together, the tang of blood filling his mouth as he held back his retort. His gaze flickered to the ground before quickly returning to meet the old man's sly one. "Hm."

The gaze of the other alphas lingered on him, tracking every subtle shift and motion. They watched as he clenched his jaw in concentration, swallowed his words with an angry gulp, and held onto his chopsticks with a tight grip. Each movement spoke volumes about his inner turmoil, the fury that rolls under his skin, but he kept his composure, refusing to give them any satisfaction. The air was thick with tension and unspoken challenges, each alpha sizing up the others and waiting for someone to make a move. Sukuna, much to their annoyance, remains stoic, like a lion among hyenas, exuding an air of quiet power and control.

“Will you stand as our champion in the upcoming Alpha iudicium?” Someone asked.

Sukuna's piercing eyes drift away from the older alpha, scanning the table until they settle on a slim, middle-aged woman. She is the lone female alpha in the group, standing tall and leaning over the table with confidence. Her long nails click against the glass she holds, each sound echoing in Sukuna's ears. Half of her face is obscured by thick, wavy hair that falls in deep brown waves. He can tell she is not from their village, a foreigner with an air of mystery about her. Without realizing it, Sukuna finds himself speaking aloud, unable to keep his words from tumbling out of his mouth.“…and why, exactly, would I do that?”

“Well,” The flamboyant alpha beside him adds, his voice dripping with false charm as he tossed an arm over Sukuna's shoulder. The action elicited a low growl from Sukuna, his hackles raised in warning. What is it with people touching him? “Should you emerge victorious,” He continued, his eyes scanning the other alphas at the table with a calculating look. “We will be more than delighted to provide you and yours with financial support.” Sukuna narrowed his eyes, not trusting a single word that passed through the alpha's lips. “Isn’t that right?” The alpha cleared his throat, trying to assert dominance as he threw pointed glares at the other alphas who remained silent, refusing to agree with his proposal. Sukuna could feel the tension in the air, like a storm ready to break, as each alpha held their ground and refused to back down. The silence continued on, causing the alpha beside him to falter and shoot wary glances.

“Yes, yes.” The elderly man with the long, white beard nodded in agreement, his voice deep and gruff. "Of course," he said, his eyes twinkling as he spoke. "It would be our honour! …if you are able to prove yourself victorious, that is."

Sukuna's eyebrow furrows in skepticism, his piercing gaze fixed on the elderly alpha before him. His expression is one of mistrust and defiance, his hackles raised in warning. “And if I dont’?”

“I do not see that happening, but to answer your question… You will return to life as usual,”

Sukuna let out a long, slow exhale, releasing the tension he hadn't even realized he was holding. A sense of relief washed over him like a cool breeze. All he had to do was go and fight some alphas. It seemed simple enough: win and earn the help his family desperately needed, or lose and return home with nothing but his own wounds to tend to. The weight of that decision hung heavy in the air, filling Sukuna with both determination and apprehension.

"...but you will need to provide compensation for the embarrassment, should you lose," a new alpha said smoothly, his voice dripping with arrogance. Sukuna recognized the voice immediately —it was the same alpha who had been relentlessly pursuing his brother Satoshi. As he looked up, he met the sharp gaze of the alpha and felt a surge of irritation bubble up in his chest.

Of course this alpha would bring up mating with his brother as a form of payment. Sukuna could practically read the predator's thoughts, lusting after Satoshi like so many others before him. The growl in his chest grew louder as he clenched his fists, resisting the urge to lunge over the table after him.

"If I were to mate your beautiful omega brother," the alpha continued, "then I would be more than obliged to assist you, as my family." Sukuna's jaw clenched as he fought against the anger and disgust coursing through him. This was not how things were going to work.

Sukuna's voice was filled with unyielding determination as he stood up from his seat. The table shook as his strong, calloused hands slammed down upon it, rattling the dishes and causing them to shift in protest. His eyes flashed with anger and protectiveness as he declared, "I refuse." He will not allow Satoshi to be dragged into this argument, and especially not as a bargaining chip. He had already suffered enough.

“Gon.” The elderly alpha spoke, sending a glare over to the lord. Obviously that option wasn’t cleared with the others. “Sukuna,” His one eye landed on Sukuna again. “You have my word. No one shall touch your brother. Win or lose. Simply fight for us.”

“Firstly,” Gon stands up slowly, his eyes narrowing in frustration. The objections that were about to spill from his lips are quickly silenced by several low growls emanating from the room. Sukuna watches as Gon takes a deep breath and rolls his shoulders back as if the tension in the air is akin to a physical weight on his shoulders. "Fine," Gon hisses through gritted teeth, reluctantly returning to his seat. The atmosphere in the room is thick with animosity and disagreement, each person present at odds with the other.

Sukuna can’t stop the grin that slides across his face.

“Fight for us —win or lose, your brother is safe.” That catches his attention again, his grin quickly replaced with a stoic look. “You have my word.”

Sukuna scanned the room, his piercing gaze taking in the desperate eyes of the alphas surrounding him. They were practically begging for his participation in this upcoming fight and he couldn't help but smirk at their desperation. "Fine," he finally conceded, settling back into his seat with a nonchalant shrug. “I’ll do it.”

"Excellent!" The elderly alpha's laughter echoed through the dining hall, his bony hands clapping eagerly together. "Now, let us finish our meal and discuss the details." The aroma of roasted meat, sickly sweet desserts and fine wines filled the air making Sukuna's stomach growl even though he had just eaten. He couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the thought of feasting on his enemies' defeat. His mother may not like what he has just agreed to, but the best way for him to become better —stronger, is by fighting.

Later, with a belly half-satisfied and a kimono full of stolen sustenance, Sukuna excused himself from the festivities. They sent him off with promises of more meals and private training going forward —he is now their prized fighter, they will need to be sure he is fed and trained well.

The sun had dipped well below the horizon by the time he slipped through the door of his home, where four pairs of young, expectant eyes turned towards him, even Sechi —who had been in a fever haze since the morning was looking at him intently. It was long past their bedtime, but judging by the tired smile on both his mother and older brother’s face, the youngsters had fought sleep while they waited for his return. They knew that every time the leaders called upon him, he would return with stolen goods. “You will sleep after this, right?” He asked, laughing at the quickness of their nodding heads. He distributed the pilfered food like a priest bestowing blessings, though he was sure to protect the two persimmons he acquired. He offered one each to his mother and brother, nodding softly at the way their eyes shined with happiness. Persimmons were a rare treat, something only for the wealthy.

The rest of the night seemed to move on peacefully, until their moments of quiet jubilation were shattered as the door slammed open, and their father Tetsu stormed in, reeking of ale and fury. The laughter that filled the air was quickly silenced as Tetsu’s gaze locked onto their mother, her belly swollen with new life. His father was always quick to impregnate her, yet the sight of her swollen belly always enraged him.

Sukuna stood, trying to quickly put himself in-between them, knowing just by a look that his father was up to no good. The man had never been anything but bad, abusing them and their mother with sickly smiles. “Father.” He said, looking him in the eye. Sukuna surpassed him in size, but Tetsu was by no means a small man. Sukuna’s build was purely from his father’s genetics. Tetsu stood just a few inches under seven feet with broad tan shoulders, eerily red eyes, sharp teeth and obsidian black hair. He had been militant most of his life, used to regime and being controlled. After losing his arm in battle and being forced to step back, he suffered through his issues with a bottle in hand and a fist aimed at his family.

“Tetsu…” He heard his mother whisper as her shaking hand came into view. She knew why he was here. He wanted something to take his drunken frustrations on.

“Eiko,” Tetsu growled, his red eyes never leaving Sukuna. “Tell your buffoon of a son to move before I hurt him.”

Eiko rested her warm hand on his back, something his mother had done since the day he stood higher than her. “S-Sukuna, my son, will you go grab your father a drink?” She looked over to her husband and added, “perhaps a meal?”

Sukuna's jaw clenched as he turned to face his mother, her gentle gaze filled with both love and fear. It was a familiar sight, one he had seen too many times before. She always tried to defuse his father's anger, redirecting it towards herself in hopes of sparing Sukuna and his siblings from the brunt of the abuse. But this time things were different. This time her belly was swollen and round, indicating that she was carrying more than just one child. The doctors suspected this would be her last time to carry healthy twins, and her being in such a delicate condition only fueled Sukuna's determination to protect her all the more from harm. "Mother," he began, his voice laced with concern and resolve. "You don't have to do this. Let me handle him."

“Sukuna, please…”

Before anything more could be said, Tetsu rushed forward and without a word, he struck her across the face. She crumpled to the floor with a cry, and Satoshi rushed to her side, his pink hair falling like a curtain as he shielded her with his slender body. “Mother!” Satoshi cried.

"Stop this!" Sukuna bellowed, throwing himself at the man who had sired him but never been a father. His fists met flesh, but they were no match for the drunken strength that hurled him back into the wall.

"Useless whelps," their father spat, his eyes wild and cruel. "Maybe I should make a working mule of you and sell the pretty one. There are plenty who'd pay handsomely for an omega like Satoshi and an alpha brute like you."

Sukuna pushed against his father’s grip, pain igniting every move. Tetsu laughed at him, amused by the teenager struggling against him. Sukuna, while big, was still young and not fully developed. Tetsu had served and had years of training under her belt. While the older alpha had softened with age, he was still a man shrouded in corded muscle. “Stop!” Sukuna growled, one of his hands slipped free of his father’s grip and crashed hard against the older alpha’s face. The punch made Tetsu stumble back with a curse and Sukuna used that free moment to position himself between where Satoshi was tending to their mother and their father, defiance etched in every line of his bruising face. “Leave before I kill you.” The threat hung heavy in the air.

“You? You can’t do nothing. You’re a child still suckling on his mother’s teat.” Tetsu growled, spitting blood from his mouth at Sukuna. “It’s laughable for you to believe you can do anything to me, boy.”

Sukuna lunged at him, his fist's meeting Tetsu’s face again and again with a brutal force. Each punch landed with a sickening thud, driving his father back with each blow. Despite his initial advantage, Sukuna's lack of training quickly became apparent as Tetsu used his knowledge and agility to outmaneuver him. With swift movements and precise strikes, Tetsu flipped them around until he was on top of Sukuna, pounding his fists into any exposed area he could find. The sound of flesh meeting flesh echoed through the room, accompanied by the cries of Sukuna's siblings begging for Tetsu to stop.

But their pleas only fueled Tetsu's rage further. He laughed maniacally with each successful strike, ignoring the blood dripping from his own wounds. It wasn't until Sukuna found an opening and retaliated that they finally separated, both panting heavily and looking battered and bruised.

"You can hardly handle me with one arm," Tetsu boasted, spitting blood onto the floor as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Imagine if I had two."

"I'll kill you," Sukuna seethed out his reply from where he sat against the wall, his younger siblings trying to self-soothe and comfort him by tending to his wounds. Their father stood in the shadows for a moment, sneering at Sukuna's threat. The older alpha was clearly unbothered by the threat, but he turned and stumbled away into the night. The air was thick with tension and the scent of blood as they all settled into an uneasy silence, knowing that their father would likely make another appearance before the night was through.

Without hesitation, Sho and Shuu jumped into action, wiping the blood off of Sukuna's face and arms, but Sukuna pushed them away gently, insisting that he was fine. Reluctantly, they backed off and went over to where Sechi lay on the tatami bed by the wall that became a permanent fixture since his terminal diagnosis. His eyes were fogged with fever and tears threatened to spill over. "Take care of him," Sukuna instructed before getting up to close the door that Tetsu had carelessly left open. "Bastard," he muttered under his breath, glancing out at the front of the house before shutting the door. As the room fell back into silence, Sukuna could hear his mother whimpering in pain —a sound that had become all too familiar after Tetsu's visits. "Is she alright?" he asked as he knelt down beside Satoshi, who was gently dabbing at their mother's split lip.

"She'll be fine," replied his brother in a soft voice, letting out a sad sigh as their mother winced in pain.

"Don't worry about me, my sons," their mother said with a pained smile as she reached out to touch both Sukuna and Satoshi's cheeks.

Sukuna's voice was filled with anger as he spoke through gritted teeth, his crimson eyes burning with hatred. "Look at what he's done to you," he growled, his hand clenching into a fist. "I will destroy him and this forsaken village."

Eiko paused, exhaustion etched into her features and her expression softened as she looked up at Sukuna. She placed a gentle hand on Sukuna's arm and leaned up to press her forehead against his. "My son... revenge will not heal us."

“Mother is right.” Satoshi shifted closer, leaning against Sukuna and wrapping his arms around him. "Promise, Kuna, that you’ll stay like this.”

“Satoshi…” He started to say, but he was quickly silenced by a tighter squeeze from his brother.

“Promise me. You can’t ever become cruel like that.”

He nodded against his mother's head and reached for Satoshi's hand, holding it to his heart where his words would take root. "I promise, Satoshi."

The tranquility that had settled over the room while Sukuna recalled his human past is abruptly shattered by Satoru’s sudden movements and loud whining. Sukuna’s eyes remain closed as his body is assaulted by clammy hands that hungrily roam over his battle-hardened physique, tracing the curves and contours of his powerful anatomy. He can feel warm breaths tickling his neck and hear soft, heady moans accompanied by whispered pleas for his touch.

“Please…” Satoru's skin feels like it's been kissed by flames, a feverish heat radiating from him as he yearns for respite from the relentless throbbing deep within his core. Without hesitation, he grinds wet, heat-damp hips against Sukuna's leg in a primal, instinctive rhythm, desperate to find relief from the relentless agony consuming him.

"Take what you need." Sukuna whispers, allowing Satoru this solace. “Good boy.” He praises him with hushed adorations until eventually he opens his eyes, dipping his head just enough to look down at the warm body writhing against him, that’s using him for succour. Sukuna’s four arms lift, his hands picking different spots as they begin tracing the lines of Satoru's body in slow, deliberate motions designed to soothe rather than entice. Hours pass in this intimate dance, cry after cry of Satoru chasing relief —the undulating of pelvis stuttering to a stop every time bliss climbs across his skin and takes over. The wet spot on Sukuna’s thigh grows in size each time Satoru finds euphoria. “f*ck.” Sukuna hisses under his breath as he fights his urges. His hands lift from Satoru’s heated skin, his nails, sharp and knife like, dig into the meat of his own palms as he wills himself to calm down —to allow Satoru complete subjugation of his body until at last, Satoru's breath evens out and he succumbs to sleep, nestling himself securely in Sukuna's embrace once again.

Time passes slowly as Sukuna watches Satoru sleep. He takes in the heated skin, wet lips and white, fluttering lashes until the haze of fever lifts and Satoru's blue eyes meet Sukuna's crimson gaze, lucid with thoughts but still somewhat cloudy, desire still bubbling inside him, flowing through his veins. "I'm sorry...” He starts, his voice ragged from the previous hours of whimpering and crying. “…for this."

"Never apologize for your nature," Sukuna replies, firm but not unkind. One of his hands came to rest on the side of Satoru’s face, the touch causing the omega to flinch just slightly. The sudden movement makes Sukuna frown.

He thought they made it past this.

“Sorry.” Satoru says again, his voice still a whisper. “Reflex.” He tries to joke, yet it doesn't meet his eyes.

"Never think I would dishonour you in such a state."

“Only in this state?” Satoru bites back before he flinches at his own words. Sukuna only raises a brow at that, which causes the omega to apologize for the third time. “Sorry.”

“You are forgiven.”

There is silence after that until the peaceful communion is broken by the whisper of confession from Satoru's lips, "I feel gross.”

“Mhm.” He grunts, still somewhat irritated by the insult thrown at him previously.

“I need to bathe." Satoru continues on. The human’s long, pale fingers rub against themselves as nerves begin to wrack his body. “Can… c-can I?”

Sukuna’s irritation is quickly lost to confusion, unsure why Satoru is asking him for permission to bathe. Who would prevent an omega in heat from bathing? Thoughts of Satoru’s last heat, over a decade ago, fill his mind. Did that clan of insects have something to do with this need for permission? Did they do much more than he could imagine to the one they call their saviour?

“Of course.” Sukuna agrees with a gentle nod, slowly unfurling his arms to give Satoru the space he needs. As an alpha, he is acutely aware of the delicate and precarious position he is in with the omega before him. He knows that any misstep or miscommunication could trigger Satoru's feral instincts once more. He needs to be understanding and commanding while simultaneously not overstepping and ruining everything he has worked hard to build. With a deep breath, Sukuna removes himself from the nest. He makes his way to the wall by the bathroom door, ready to wait patiently for Satoru's return. He does not want to push himself upon Satoru, but he also cannot ignore the omega's harsh symptoms of rejection. The room is filled with a tense energy as Sukuna remains on standby, his senses keenly attuned to the slightest shift in Satoru's mood. He is determined to be nearby should the omega need him, but also respectful of his boundaries in this vulnerable state.

Satoru’s next request catches him off guard.

"Will you... join me?"

Surprise flickered across Sukuna's features before he masks it with a nod. He follows Satoru to the bathroom, watching as the omega hesitates over which soaps to use. He understood the delay, the uncertainty—it is a barrier, a distraction Satoru is placing between them and the vulnerability of his condition.

Silent and still, he stands next to the omega, letting him lead the way through new and uncharted waters. If they were bonded, Sukuna would sense Satoru's needs as if they were his own. His biology would stand as an absolute for Satoru to hold on to, knowing that no matter the circ*mstance Sukuna would lead them to the proper answers. He would offer solutions to the flurry of thoughts and questions swirling in Satoru's fogged mind, but they are not yet mated... not yet fully connected.

“Mhn…” Satoru whines, leaning forward against the side of the tub. He drops the bottles he was holding in his hands, the prospect of picking a scent for the bath forgotten as a sharp whip of pain lashes over his abdomen. Sukuna’s hands are on him instantly, holding him up and acting as a beacon of guidance for his fraying mind.

"Let me help you." Sukuna offers. Upon Satoru’s soft nod, he lifts the omega up and sets him down easily into the bath. “Lay against the edge, I will handle the rest.” He says, turning his attention to the taps. He chooses to run the water colder than normal, knowing that the extra heat would not be welcome with the rising temperature of Satoru’s body.

“s’nice…” He hears the omega whisper as the cool water fills the area around him.

Sukuna's sharp, dark brows furrow in confusion as he tends to the omega, kneeling beside the steaming bath and cradling Satoru's head carefully above the water. Despite their lack of a typical mate bond, there is an unspoken… something, a connection between them that Sukuna cannot deny. It pulses through his veins like a wild, untameable energy, compelling him to care for this human in ways he never thought possible. “Satoru?” As he watches Satoru's peaceful face drift in and out of consciousness, Sukuna cannot help but wonder how their paths lead them here. Satoru has fought against him nearly every step of the way, yet the omega experienced such a visceral reaction to a lack of his presence.


“Pretty one,” Soft words drip from his lips like sweet honey, laced with a protective edge. His instincts, like tangible forces surrounding him, are on high alert as he watches the omega intently. Every fibre of his being is poised for action, ready to defend and shield. Yet, he cannot understand why he feels the need so strongly —why is he filled with such a powerful need to serve? He will need to speak with the mate of Shoko, perhaps her expertise can be of use as these thoughts are far beyond the thoughts of a pre-bond. These feelings, he once thought to be lost when he shed his humanity, now burning fiercely within him, demanding attention. Seeking a distraction from his racing mind, Sukuna gently asks the drifting human, "How are you feeling?" His deep voice resonating through the calm water and into Satoru's ears.

"Please," came the reply, soft as a whisper.

“What do you need, Satoru?”

“Come… here.” The omega struggles out, his brilliant blue eyes opening up just enough to pierce Sukuna with their stare. “Alpha… please…”

Sukuna nods slowly, standing to his full height and revealing the full scope of his powerful physique, towering over the human before him. Satoru's eyes never leave his form as he slowly sheds his shirt, revealing a muscled torso adorned with tattoos and scars from countless battles. The omega gasps audibly at the sight, unable to tear his gaze away from Sukuna's powerful physique. Despite the vulnerability of being naked in front of an alpha, there is no hint of fear or hesitation in Satoru's expression —only curiosity, desire, and arousal. Sukuna can practically taste the sweet scent of heat emanating from the omega's body, the heating pheromones amplified by the lukewarm bath water surrounding Satoru. "Like what you see, omega?" He purrs with a smug smirk on his lips, relishing in the way Satoru shivers and moans softly in response. Sukuna knows that if Satoru were not submerged in water, he would be granted audience to the sight and smell of heady arousal that surely coats Satoru's inner thighs.


Sukuna guides Satoru forward as he settles into the bath, positioning himself behind the omega. Satoru is rigid at first, the lines of his body taut with tension. Gradually, he relaxes, leaning into the hard planes of Sukuna's chest, letting the warmth seep into his bones. They remain like that, in comfortable silence until curiosity gets the better of Satoru.

With slow and deliberate movements, Satoru's elegant fingers trail behind him, exploring the contours of Sukuna's body. They glide down his chiseled stomach, tracing the lines of his muscles before finally reaching his thick thighs. His touch elicits a soft groan from Sukuna, who spreads his legs ever so slightly to give Satoru better access. As the fingers continue their joinery downwards, they encounter something new and unique. “…t-two?” Satoru's voice falters as he feels the presence of two distinct appendages that mark Sukuna's otherness, slowly thickening under his touch. His mind starts to spin at the realization of this discovery while his hands continue their exploration, mapping out every inch of Sukuna's unparalleled anatomy.

"Yes." Sukuna chuckles, the sound echoing off the tiled walls. "A trait of my ascension."

“Oh.” Nervous energy tinges Satoru's aura, but it’s quickly replaced by the scent of interest. "…Can I?"

"Curiosity is a natural thing," Sukuna shrugs, amusem*nt lighting his eyes as he watches Satoru's internal battle. He had expected the omega to recoil in disgust or be thrown off by the appearance of two penises between his legs, but instead he is met with a look of curiosity —a refreshing reaction, one that is encouraging.

With tentative fingers, Satoru reaches back to them, and upon touching them, his breath hitches. They are real, solid—a confirmation of Sukuna's unique existence. His mind wanders to forbidden territories, thoughts of fullness and how it would feel to have them in him, consuming him from the inside out. A flush creeps over his skin, the fear of pain mingles with anticipation.

"Nervous?" Sukuna inquires softly from where he is leaning against the back of the bath.

"Not really…" Satoru confesses, his touch growing bolder. The air around them grows thick with arousal, the aroma adding layers to the already complex tapestry of mixing scents. It is a dangerous game they play, skirting the edge of restraint, but in this moment, Sukuna allows Satoru this exploration, this assertion of desire over fear, and perhaps, a step towards acceptance.

The water laps gently against the sides of the bath, a rhythmic and soothing sound that belies the tension in Satoru's body. His fingers, still wrapped around Sukuna's dual appendages, are betraying him with their insistent curiosity. He can feel the King of Curses tense beneath his touch, a silent struggle emanating from him.

"Satoru," Sukuna’s voice is a low warning, rich with an edge that isn’t entirely human. "My control isn't infinite."

Satoru glances over his shoulder, blue eyes half-lidded yet piercing as they meet crimson. There is something primal in the way Sukuna holds himself back, a testament to his strength. But it only serves to stoke the fire within Satoru; he wants to see this composed force unravel at his hands.

"Show me," he breathes out, shifting his position to straddle the alpha.

"You are crossing lines you can't uncross, Satoru." Sukuna murmurs as his muscles bunch under the sleek planes of his skin, ready to seize control.

"Let them be crossed," Satoru counters, silencing further protests with a look of determination in his heat-clouded gaze.

Satoru's fingers glide over Sukuna's hot skin, tracing a path down to the thickening lengths between his legs. With each touch, their bodies seem to ignite with heat and desire. As Satoru's own co*ck rises to meet Sukuna's, he presses his hips against Sukuna, savouring the feeling of their skin rubbing together. The euphoric touch sends shivers down his spine. Their bodies move in a slow, tantalizing rhythm that leaves them both moaning and gasping for more.

A soft moan escapes Satoru's lips as his hand slips past his own co*ck, finding its way to the wet folds just beneath it where he explores the unknown valleys of his own anatomy. He hesitantly presses a finger inside, surprised by the pleasure that floods through his body —the sensation almost overwhelming. His eyes lock onto where Sukuna grips the edge of the bath, his mind consumed with thoughts of those thick fingers stretching and filling him. Would it hurt? Would it bring him to ecstasy? Would Sukuna bring those fingers to his lips afterwards, tasting him?

Before he can ponder these questions any further, Sukuna takes matters into his own hands. He notices Satoru's exploration, takes hold of his wrist, bringing those slick-covered fingers to his mouth where he hungrily sucks on the pale digits, moaning at the delicious taste that fills his mouth. A growl rumbles in Satoru’s throat as he gazes at Sukuna, desire bubbling out of every pore at the sight of Sukuna beneath him, eyes dark with want as his lips wrap around his fingers.

Sukuna growls in pleasure as he savors the divine taste of Satoru, fully understanding why he is known as a divine being —the vision before him is nothing short of divinity. He can barely control himself as the universe seems to be conspiring against him, testing his sanity with this temptation before him. They are finally together, body pressed in such an intimate act, yet he is unable to reciprocate. Forbidden from properly walking Satoru through the paths of unbridled pleasure due to Satoru’s vulnerable state. Instead he must resist, push his wants and needs aside to let Satoru take what he needs from him, but he’ll relish in every whimper and moan.

“Mmmore…” Satoru whispers, a quiet gasp escaping him as he moves his hand from Sukuna’s mouth to join his other hand around their throbbing lengths. His fingers tighten around them, creating an addictive friction. His face presses into Sukuna's hair, giving the alpha a full view of their hardened co*cks rubbing together in the water. The slickness of the bathwater mixed with Satoru's own arousal makes for a tantalizing sight.

Sukuna can't resist lifting his gaze to take in the sight of Satoru's flushed chest, his pale skin now dotted with arousal and his nipples standing perky and inviting. The urge to taste them is almost overwhelming. He longs to wrap his mouth around one, sucking and nipping until it's red with wonton pleasure. But for now, he focuses on giving Satoru everything he needs in this moment, taking delight in the feeling of their bodies moving as one. Each movement is an exploration, each breath a shared secret as they spiral toward ecstasy.

"Sukuna," Satoru whines as he chases the cresting waves of his climax, invoking the alpha's name like a sacred mantra.

That sound, so full of want and trust, seems to snap the last thread of Sukuna's restraint. With a guttural groan that echoes off the steamy walls, he climaxes, the power of it rippling through them both. Satoru watches, fascinated, as Sukuna's face contorts with raw pleasure —the image sears itself into his memory. Something he’ll look back fondly on every time he closes his eyes.

As the intensity of their joint release fades, a flush of embarrassment spreads across Satoru's cheeks. He moves to rise, his movements awkward in the aftermath, but Sukuna's strong arms ensnare him, gently pulling him back down.

"Running from what you’ve started?" Sukuna's tone is teasing, but there is an undercurrent of sincerity. "There's nothing shameful here. You needn't hide."

“I’ve never… that… that wasn’t like me.” Satoru's voice trembles and his gaze flickers away, filled with shame. His head drops, exposing the vulnerable curve of his neck to Sukuna's hungry eyes.

The alpha feels a surge of possessive desire wash over him, wanting to mark Satoru as his own. "Satoru," he growls through clenched teeth, struggling to keep his instincts in check.

With reluctance, Satoru lifts his head, turning to meet Sukuna’s intense gaze over his shoulder. He can’t help but notice the unusual hue in the alpha’s eyes, a stark contrast to their usual crimson colour. "Y-yeah?" he stammers.

"Don't," Sukuna orders, tilting his head back as if resisting a powerful urge.

It takes Satoru a moment to understand, but when the realization of what Sukuna is trying to suppress dawns on him, heat floods his bloodstream and sends shivers down his spine. "You want to bite me," he whispers, turning fully to face the alpha.

A low growl rumbles from Sukuna's chest in response, his eyes closing as if he is savouring the thought.

Satoru’s mind races as he contemplates Sukuna’s words. He takes a deep breath and slowly turns around to offer Sukuna his unprotected neck. "You can," he says with more confidence now. "You can bite me." He tilts his head to the side, fully exposing himself to the alpha, but not without fear. Part of him is still uncertain and fearful, yet another part of him, deep down, tells him that Sukuna won't hurt him —at least, not beyond what he desires. Years of having infinity active, separating him from the world, has left him underprepared for everything that is happening with Sukuna. While his mind is still clear, he knows he wants something more with Sukuna, but is unable to voice it yet. It brings him comfort to know that Sukuna could have done whatever he wanted to him —used him, mated and bonded them forever, but the curse didn’t. He held true to his word, so Satoru can’t help but think that Sukuna deserves this. His complete submission. “Please.” He says, voice soft. Baring his neck in such a vulnerable way is a gesture of acceptance, even with his limited knowledge of omega biology, he knows this. So it comes as no surprise when he hears Sukuna gasp softly in response.

This is the best I can offer you, he thinks, eyes falling shut.

“Please, while I'm still myself.” He whispers, hating the way the thought of Sukuna denying him weighs heavy on his chest. Sukuna could say no, denying the offer as Satoru is still in heat, but this is the most clear-headed he has felt since it started. He doesn’t know how he can prove it, or if he’ll be able to prove it should Sukuna deny him. “Sukuna?” He starts to turn his head, but is quickly stopped by a firm grip in his hair and pressure on his neck. Panic initially sets in, the urge to fight the feeling of being held down is powerful, but that quickly fades as he relaxes into Sukuna’s hold. All strength leaves his limbs as he fully collapses against Sukuna’s check, body bared in complete submission.

They stay in that position for what feels like hours, Sukuna with his teeth gripping firmly at Satoru’s neck, and Satoru completely surrendering to him. "You did it because it was exactly like you —brave and wanting." Sukuna speaks up, letting Satoru’s skin fall from his mouth to continue the conversation from earlier.

"Brave..." Satoru repeats softly, the word taking root within him as he lifts a hand, touching the indents in his skin from where Sukuna’s teeth were just pressing. Something warm slides over him, and he comes to realize that it's the omegan desires inside him preening due to the fact that Sukuna accepted his offer —accepted him. “I guess.” He murmurs, leaning further into the solid warmth of Sukuna's chest, allowing himself to be held, to be reassured.

In that moment, floating in the afterglow of their closeness, Satoru comes to another realization: that despite his uncertainties, his desires led him here —to this man who defied the world just as he did.

And perhaps, that isn’t such a terrifying thing after all.

Water droplets cascade off their skin, trailing warmth as Satoru and Sukuna emerge from the haze of their united time in the bath. A cool draft of air greets them, causing goosebumps to rise on Satoru's arms. The contrast is jarring after the cocoon of their heated bodies in the warm water they had just left. Satoru reaches for the towel but feels Sukuna’s hand intercept his own, offering instead the black fabric of a shirt —the one Satoru seen Sukuna wearing earlier.

"Here," Sukuna says, his voice a low hum that reverberates in the quiet of the room.

"Thank you," Satoru replies, his fingers brushing against Sukuna's as he takes the garment. He knows it not to be true, but it feels as though it still bears the warmth from Sukuna's body. “Mmh,” He brings the clothing to his nose, breathing in the scent it carries that is unmistakably Sukuna —spicy, musky and woodsy with an undercurrent of something powerfully alluring. Slipping into it, the material envelopes him like a protective shroud. It hangs loose and long, skimming his thighs like a nightgown, reminding him of just how much larger Sukuna is in comparison to him.

Once dressed, Satoru moves towards the nest he had haphazardly constructed, the familiar pile of blankets, clothing and pillows —a poor design, but a haven within the vast expanse of his quarters nonetheless. He pauses at the edge, glancing back to see Sukuna making a move for the door.

"Stay," Satoru calls out softly, almost hesitant, not wanting to be alone —not yet.

Sukuna turns, a smirk playing on his lips, eyes gleaming with a feral sort of amusem*nt. Without a word, he approaches the nest, his movements purposeful yet unobtrusive. He stands there, waiting patiently to be given access. Satoru nods once, shifting to the side as Sukuna crawls in beside him, the weight of his presence a silent offer of companionship. There is no immediate embrace, no pulling close; Sukuna simply waits some more, giving Satoru the space to dictate their proximity.

For a moment, Satoru hesitates, the remnants of his earlier embarrassment flickering within him. But the pull is undeniable —the need to be near Sukuna, to feel the reassuring solidity of him. With careful, deliberate movements, Satoru closes the gap. He nestles against Sukuna, tucking his face into the crook of the alpha's neck, where the heat of his skin promised solace.

"Thank you," he whispers again, the words barely audible. They are words of gratitude for the shared intimacy, for Sukuna’s patience, and for the understanding that seems to pass between them without the need for grand declarations.

In response, Sukuna's breath hitches ever so slightly, a silent acknowledgment of the trust Satoru places in him. And then, for the first time in what feels like forever, the King of Curses allows himself to relax fully, his guard dropping as sleep claims them both.

It is a restful slumber, deep and undisturbed. The nightmares that often prowled the edges of Satoru’s subconscious are kept at bay by the steady rhythm of Sukuna's breathing against his neck. In the safety of his nest, with a being as ancient and formidable as Sukuna pressed against him, even the broken Honoured One can find refuge from the relentless march of his own thoughts.

As dawn creeps through the window, heralding the start of a new day, it finds two figures entwined in peaceful repose, the world outside oblivious to the rare tranquility that has settled within the room.

The Strongest: Broken - Chapter 6 - apocatit* - 呪術廻戦 (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.