The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (2024)

Pies, ice cream and more.

It’s easy to forget about plums. They’re not the most popular of summer fruits. Plums aren’t small and cute like blueberries. They’re not as exotic as the fig. Plums are just plums. And so in the frenzy of stocking up on summer’s bounty, it’s easy to overlook this humble fruit. But that’s a big mistake

We think plums are pretty great — they’re perfectly sweet and tart, not too big and not too small. They make killer cakes, jams and tarts; as well as a great wine popsicle, too.

To make sure you don’t pass up on plums this season, we rounded up the best recipes around.


Plum And Raspberry Pie

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (1)

Completely Delicious

Get the Plum and Raspberry Pie recipe from Completely Delicious


Plum Ice Cream

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (2)

Cookie Named Desire

Get the Plum Ice Cream recipe from Cookie Named Desire


Plum Cobbler

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (3)

Simply Recipes

Get the Plum Cobbler recipe from Simply Recipes



Asian Plum Sauce

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (4)

Love And Olive Oil

Get the Asian Plum Sauce recipe from Love & Olive Oil


No-Bake Plum Tart With Mascarpone And A Gingersnap Crust

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (5)

One Tough Cookie



Jammin’ Spicy Plum Chicken Wings

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (7)

Love & Olive Oil

Get the Jammin’ Spicy Plum Chicken Wings recipe from Love & Olive Oil


Pretty Plum Cake

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (8)

Liv for Cake

Get the Pretty Plum Cake recipe from Liv for Cake


Raspberry Plum Jam

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (9)

Completely Delicious

Get the Raspberry Plum Jam recipe from Completely Delicious



Brown Butter Plum Upside Down Cake

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (10)

Half Baked Harvest

Get the Brown Butter Plum Upside Down Cake recipe from Half Baked Harvest


Sweet Plum Jam Gnocchi

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (11)

Cookie Named Desire

Get the Sweet Plum Jam Gnocchi recipe from Cookie Named Desire


Plum Habanero Jelly

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (12)

Love & Olive Oil

Get the Plum Habanero Jelly recipe from Love & Olive Oil



Ginger Plum Granita

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (13)

Love And Olive Oil

Get the Ginger Plum Granita recipe from Love & Olive Oil


Plum Frangipane Tart

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (14)


Get the Plum Frangipane Tart recipe from Bell'alimento


Plum Spice Doughnuts

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (15)

Cookie Named Desire

Get the Plum Spice Doughnuts recipe from Cookie Named Desire



Rustic Plum Cheesecake

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (16)


Get the Rustic Plum Cheesecake recipe from Vikalinka


Plum And Wine Popsicles

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (17)

Cookie Named Desire

Get the Plum And Wine Popsicles recipe from Cookie Named Desire


Fresh Plum Cake

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (18)

A Spicy Perspective

Get the Fresh Plum Cake recipe from A Spicy Perspective



Spiced Plum Marzipan Braid

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (19)

Domestic Gothess

Get the Spiced Plum Marzipan Braid recipe from Domestic Gothess


Goat Cheese Honey Stuffed Plums

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (20)

Running to the Kitchen

Get the Goat Cheese Honey Stuffed Plums recipe from Running to the Kitchen


Damson Plum Jam

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (21)

Love & Olive Oil

Get the Damson Plum Jam recipe from Love & Olive Oil



Baked Plums With Creme Fraiche And Marcona Almonds

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (22)



Mango And Plum Sweet Tea co*cktail

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (23)

A Beautiful Mess

Get the Mango and Plum Sweet Tea co*cktail recipe from A Beautiful Mess


Buffalo Mozzarella With Balsamic Glazed Plums

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (24)




Strawberry And Plum Crumble

The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (25)

Verses from my Kitchen

Get the Strawberry and Plum Crumble recipe from Verses from my Kitchen

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The Recipes That'll Make You Fall In Love With Plums (2024)


What can I do with a lot of plums? ›

Plum recipes
  1. Plum crumble. A star rating of 4.9 out of 5. ...
  2. Rustic harvest fruit tart. A star rating of 4.2 out of 5. ...
  3. Ultimate plum & apple cobbler. A star rating of 4.9 out of 5. ...
  4. App onlyPlum & raspberry crumble bars. ...
  5. Plum & almond crumble slice. ...
  6. Plum upside-down cake. ...
  7. Easy plum jam. ...
  8. Duck & plum salad.

What does plum taste good with? ›

Food Pairing Ideas Using Plums

Plums go well with other stone fruits (i.e. peaches, nectarines, cherries, apricots) as well as citrus fruits (i.e. oranges and lemons) and red berries (i.e. raspberries and strawberries). Plums and nuts. Try pairing plums in a salad or crumble with almonds, hazelnuts, pecans or walnuts.

How to eat plums? ›

Pull out the stone or ease out with the tip of the knife, then chop or slice. The skin is edible, but if you want raw plums without the skin, drop into into boiling water for around 15 seconds, then plunge immediately into cold water and it should come away easily.

What can I do with unripe plums? ›

Green Plum Jam:

One common recipe to make with sour fruit is to add a bit of sugar and cook it down into a jam. The first recipe utilizes the natural sourness of the green plums to make a nice tart jam that can be used on toast, stirred into yogurt, and in many other capacities!

What happens to your body when you eat plums? ›

Plums are chock full of fiber, which helps slow down a blood sugar spike after you eat carbs. They can also boost your body's production of adiponectin, a hormone that helps regulate your blood sugar levels. Bone health. Some studies show that prunes (dried plums) may help reduce bone loss and may even preserve it.

Does plums detox your body? ›

Plums have good antioxidant and detoxifying properties, are a metabolic stimulant, and contain chromium, potassium, selenium, and other minerals, as well as vitamin C and beta-carotene. Dried plums, or prunes, are a traditional treatment for constipation." Having this fruit everyday can do wonders to your body.

What color plum is the sweetest? ›

Which Type of Plum Is the Sweetest? Mirabelle plums are one of the sweetest accessible plum species. Yellow and soft, they often find their way into jellies, jams, and plum pies. Greengage plums and Santa Rosa plums are also among the sweetest plums you can buy.

What cheese goes with plums? ›

Fresh plums offer dry, tannic, slightly bitter flavors in their skin — just like wine — and their flesh is sweet-tart, making them a great pairing with buttery, rich cheeses, such as Beehive Cheese Co. Promontory cheese, an Irish-style cheddar.

How do you enjoy plums? ›

Like many fruits, plums are a delicious snack either as is, or served over yogurt, oatmeal, or a lettuce salad. Pair plums with other stone fruits like peaches and apricots to make a stone fruit salad. Prunes are excellent in baked goods, such as cobblers and cakes, and they make a delicious jam or chutney.

Do plums last longer in the fridge or on the counter? ›

Whole plums should be stored at room temperature until ripened. Once ripe, the plums can be kept whole in a bowl in the refrigerator and covered with Glad® Press n' Seal wrap.

Should ripe plums be refrigerated? ›

Just as the refrigerator preserves most foods much longer than they'd last at room temperature, it can also ruin some. Stone fruit, such as peaches, plums and nectarines, should be refrigerated only once they're fully ripe.

Can you freeze fresh picked plums? ›

All you need to do is wash the plums and place the whole fruits in a plastic bag in the freezer. Bite into these whole frozen plums for an instantly refreshing burst of cool juice. It's like an all-natural popsicle. Your frozen plums will be good for up to six months, providing a much-welcome treat come wintertime.

Is it OK to freeze whole plums? ›

All you need to do is wash the plums and place the whole fruits in a plastic bag in the freezer. Bite into these whole frozen plums for an instantly refreshing burst of cool juice.

Can plums be frozen for later use? ›

Frozen plums will keep for about six months in a freezer attached to a refrigerator and up to a year in a stand-alone freezer. More time will start to degrade the quality of the plums but isn't necessarily dangerous.

Should you refrigerate plums? ›

Stone fruit, such as peaches, plums and nectarines, should be refrigerated only once they're fully ripe. Tomatoes should never be refrigerated.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.