Here's What Food You Can & Can't Eat On The Whole30 Diet (2024)

Food Trends


December 30, 2019

Whole30 Co-Founder and CEO

By Melissa Urban

Whole30 Co-Founder and CEO

Melissa Urban is a certified sports nutritionist who specializes in helping people change their relationship with food and create life-long, healthy habits. She is the co-creator of the Whole30 program, the New York Times bestselling author of It Starts With Food and The Whole30.

December 30, 2019

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So you've decided to try the Whole30 diet—at this point you might have some idea of what you're getting into. But do you know all of the rules? Do you know what it actually takes to have a successful Whole30? We had Whole30 founder Melissa Hartwig Urban give us the lowdown—the do's and don'ts, simply spelled out. It's sure to answer any questions you have. Good luck!

For the next 30 days, you'll be eating meat, seafood, and eggs; lots of vegetables and fruit; natural, healthy fats; and fresh herbs and spices. Oh yeah, and on this program there are no slips, cheats, or special occasions. Below are the program rules. (For a complete list of rules and more on results, please refer to the ".")

The "no cheat" thing isn't me playing the tough guy or turning the Whole30 into hazing. It's grounded in the science of an elimination diet, during which you have to completely eliminate suspected triggers to accurately evaluate them. (Otherwise, how will you know if life could be better without them?) Plus, the Whole30 is about keeping your promise to yourself. You committed to 30 days of evaluating your health, habits, and relationship with food, and I want you to honor that commitment.

The official Whole30 rules.

Want the program to actually change your life? Follow the rules 100% for 30 straight days.

Do not consume added sugar of any kind, real or artificial.

No maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, coconut sugar, Splenda, Equal, NutraSweet, xylitol, stevia, etc. Read your labels, because companies sneak sugar into products more often than you realize.

Do not consume alcohol in any form.

No wine, beer, Champagne, vodka, rum, whiskey, tequila, etc., whether consumed on its own or used as an ingredient—not even for cooking.

Do not eat grains.

This includes wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice, millet, bulgur, sorghum, sprouted grains, and pseudo-cereals like amaranth, buckwheat, or quinoa. This also includes all the ways we add wheat, corn, and rice into our goods in the form of bran, germ, starch, and so on. Again, read your labels.

Do not eat legumes.

This includes beans of all kinds (black, red, pinto, navy, white, kidney, lima, fava, etc.), peas, chickpeas, lentils, and peanuts. This also includes all forms of soy—soy sauce, miso, tofu, tempeh, edamame, and all the ways we sneak soy into foods (like soybean oil or soy lecithin). No peanut butter, either. The only exceptions are green beans and snow/snap peas.

Do not eat dairy.

This includes cow's-, goat's-, and sheep's-milk products such as cream, cheese, kefir, yogurt, and sour cream. The only exceptions are clarified butter and ghee.

Do not consume carrageenan, MSG, or added sulfites.

If these appear in any form in the ingredient list of your processed food or beverage, it's out for the Whole30.

Do not recreate backed goods, "treats," or junk foods with approved ingredients.

No banana-egg pancakes, paleo tortillas, avocado oil potato chips, or coconut-milk ice cream. Your cravings and habits won't change if you keep eating these foods, even if they are made with Whole30 ingredients.

Do not step on the scale or take measurements.

Your reset is about so much more than just weight loss; focusing on your body composition means you'll miss out on the most dramatic and lifelong benefits this plan has to offer. So no weighing yourself, analyzing body fat, or breaking out the tape measure during the 30-day elimination.

Exceptions to the Whole30 rules.

A few off-limits food that fall under the "No baked goods, treats, or junk foods" rule include pancakes, bread, tortillas, biscuits, crepes, waffles, cereal or granola, muffins, cupcakes, cookies, pizza crust, store-bought chips of any kinds (even plantain), and restaurant French fries. While this list of off-limits goods applies to everyone (even those who "don't have a problem" with pancakes), you may decide your personal off-limits list includes additional foods that you already know make you feel out of control, like bars or almond butter.

These foods are exceptions to the rules and are allowed during your Whole30.

Clarified butter or ghee

Clarified butter and ghee are the only sources of dairy allowed during your Whole30, as they've had their milk solids rendered out. Plain old butter is not allowed, as its milk proteins could impact the results of your program.

Fruit juice as a sweetener

Products or recipes that include orange, apple, or other fruit juices are permitted on the program, although we encourage you not to go overboard here.

Green beans and snow or snap peas

While these are technically legumes, they are far more "pod" than "bean," and green plant matter is generally good for you.

Vinegar and botanical extracts

Most vinegar (including white, red wine, balsamic, apple cider, and rice) and alcohol-based botanical extracts (like vanilla, lemon, or lavender) are allowed during your Whole30 program. (Just not malt-based vinegar or extracts, which will be clearly labeled as such, as they contain gluten.)

Coconut aminos

All brands of coconut aminos (a brewed and naturally fermented soy sauce substitute) are acceptable, even if you see the word "coconut nectar" on the ingredient list.

Iodized salt

All iodized salt contains a tiny amount of dextrose (sugar) as a stabilizer, but ruling out table salt would be unreasonable. This exception will not affect your Whole30 results in any way.

What you need to remember on Whole30.


It's for your own good.

Here comes the tough love, heavy on the love—perhaps the most famous part of the Whole30. This is for those of you who are considering taking on this life-changing month but aren't sure you can actually pull it off, cheat-free, for a full 30 days. This for people who have tried committing to health initiatives before but "slipped" or "fell off the wagon" or "just had to eat [fill in food here] because of this [fill in event here]." This is for you, said with love.


This is not hard.

Fighting cancer is hard. Birthing a baby is hard. Losing a parent is hard. Drinking your coffee black is. Not. Hard. You've done harder things than this, and you have no excuse not to complete the program as written. It's only 30 days, and it's for the most important cause: the only physical body you will ever have in this lifetime.


Don't even consider the possibility of cheating.

Unless you physically trip and your face lands in a box of doughnuts, there is no "slip." It is always a choice to eat something unhealthy, and if you open the door now to "Whole30 but…" you will bail on the program, and I cannot allow you to bail on yourself again. Commit to the program 100% for the full 30 days. Don't give yourself an excuse to fail before you've even started.


You never, ever, ever have to eat anything you don't want to eat.

You're all adults. Stand up for yourself. Learn to say, "No, thank you" and hold the line without defending, explaining, or excusing your decision. Just because it's your sister's birthday, best friend's wedding, or office party does not mean you have to eat or drink anything. It is always a choice, and I hope we all stopped succumbing to peer pressure in seventh grade.


This does require effort.

Meal planning, grocery shopping, cooking, dining out, explaining the program to friends and family, and dealing with stress will all prove challenging at some point during your program. I've given you all the tools, guidelines, and resources you'll need in the eight Whole30 books and on our website, and our community is here 24/7 with accountability, resources, advice, and support…but you also have to take responsibility for your own program. Improved health, habits, and relationship with food don't happen automatically just because you're now taking a pass on bread. This will be work, but it will be worth it.


You can do this.

You've come this far—don't back out now. You want to do this. You need to do this. And I believe in you, even if you're not quite ready to believe in yourself. So stop thinking about it, and start doing it. Right now, this very minute, commit to the Whole30—and tell someone you're doing it.

I want you to have this experience. I want you to join our community, complete the program, and see amazing results in every area of your life. Even if you aren't convinced this will actually change your life, just give me 30 short days. You are that important, and I believe in our efficacy that much. It changed my life, and I want it to change yours, too.

Welcome to the Whole30.

Text excerpted from The Whole 30 Friends & Family © 2019 by Melissa Hartwig Urban. Photography © 2019 by Ghazalle Badiozamani. Reproduced by permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

Here's What Food You Can & Can't Eat On The Whole30 Diet (2024)


Here's What Food You Can & Can't Eat On The Whole30 Diet? ›

For 30 days, you will cut out all grains, legumes, soy, dairy, alcohol, added sugars, artificial sweeteners, and processed foods containing any of these ingredients; and load up on all sorts of vegetables, fruits, eggs, quality meats and fish, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats.

What foods are not allowed on Whole30? ›

What Can't You Eat?
  • Added real or artificial sugars.
  • Alcohol.
  • Carrageenan—a type of plant-based sugar—or sulfites.
  • Commercially-prepared chips or French fries.
  • Dairy products, except for clarified butter or ghee.
  • Foods recreated with allowed Whole30 ingredients (e.g., coconut milk ice cream)
  • Grains.
Dec 13, 2023

What are the don'ts on the Whole30 diet? ›

To accurately identify any specific food sensitivities, you must commit to the complete elimination of these groups for 30 straight days.
  • Added sugar (real or artificial) ...
  • Alcohol (wine, beer, cider, liquor, etc.) ...
  • Grains (wheat, oats, rice, corn, quinoa, etc.) ...
  • Legumes (beans, lentils, soy, and peanuts)

Are bananas allowed on Whole30? ›

What about bananas? Yes, both pickles and bananas are allowed on Whole30. Yet if they are a potential trigger food for you (for instance, the sweetness of bananas sets off a craving for other treats or makes you want to binge on the fruit), then you may consider including them on your “don't eat” list.

Can you eat eggs on Whole30? ›

Foods allowed on the Whole30 diet mostly consist of minimally processed foods, including: Meat, eggs, and poultry: beef, veal, pork, horse, lamb, chicken, turkey, duck, etc. Fish and seafood: fish, anchovies, shrimp, calamari, scallops, crab, lobster, etc. Fruits: fresh and dried fruits.

Why is Whole30 unhealthy? ›

The Whole30 diet could make your blood sugar levels fluctuate. It can also cause inflammation in your gut, and hurt your health. If you have diabetes or irritable bowel syndrome, you might want to avoid the Whole30 diet.

Is peanut butter okay on Whole30? ›

Though peanuts and peanut butter aren't allowed on the Whole30 program, other nuts and nut butters are. Cashew butter is loaded with nutrients like healthy fats, magnesium, manganese, and copper. Its smooth, sweet taste pairs well with apples ( 1 ).

Can you eat bacon on Whole30? ›

Bacon can be a delicious addition to your Whole30 meals, but you'll need to find bacon without added sugar. Look for Whole30 Approved sugar-free bacon from Applegate, ButcherBox, or Pederson's Natural Farms.

Can you have potatoes Whole30? ›

Yes, you can eat potatoes of all colors under the new Whole30 guidelines, white varieties included. Mash 'em up, roast them, or throw them in the skillet to enjoy. Just don't eat them commercially deep-fried or in packaged chip form to stay Whole30-compliant.

Can you eat cheese on Whole30? ›

On the Whole30 diet, you can't have: dairy (say good-bye to cheese), legumes (so no beans, pea, chickpeas, lentils peanuts or peanut butter, soy sauce, tofu, and anything else soy-related), grains (wheat, corn, rice, oats, barley, and even gluten-free grains like quinoa, buckwheat, and amaranth), added sugars (from ...

Can you have coffee on Whole30? ›

Whole30 and Coffee

Yes, you can have your coffee. You're welcome. You can drink it black, add unsweetened compatible nutpods, coconut milk, almond milk, or add cinnamon or vanilla beans to the brew.

Can you eat rice on Whole30? ›

Well, the Whole30 diet requires you to eliminate many common foods in order to maintain a healthier diet. It eliminates grains, dairy, wheat, rice, oats, and corn. Soy, beans, and peanuts are eliminated, too. No alcohol, sugar, or other sweeteners are allowed.

Do you lose weight on Whole30? ›

That said, plenty of people who try the Whole30 diet do end up losing some weight. “The benefit of Whole30 is that it encourages eating whole foods, which are foods in their most natural state,” says Sara Haas, RDN, a nutrition expert with formal training in the culinary arts.

What is the one bite rule on Whole30? ›

I encourage you to read the whole post (and the experience that prompted it), but I'll summarize it here: If you get one bite into a less healthy treat and realize it's not worth it, stop eating.

What are the hardest days on Whole30? ›

On Days 10 and 11, you are statistically the most likely to quit your Whole30. (That's why they're “the hardest days.”) By this point, the newness of the program has worn off, and though you've made it through most of the unpleasant physical milestones, you've yet to experience significant benefits.

Are potatoes allowed on Whole30? ›

Yes, you can eat potatoes of all colors under the new Whole30 guidelines, white varieties included. Mash 'em up, roast them, or throw them in the skillet to enjoy. Just don't eat them commercially deep-fried or in packaged chip form to stay Whole30-compliant.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.