Empowering the Solar Plexus (2024)

By:Angela Viesti

The solar plexus chakra, also known as the third chakra, is located behind the navel. It’s Sanskrit name,Manipura, means “illustrious gem” and is symbolized by a yellow 10 petaled circle with an upside-down triangle in its center. The last of the physical chakras, the solar plexus is home to our feelings of personal empowerment, control, and abundance. The “gut feeling” we often refer to, when our intuition communicates through our bodies, stems from this chakra.

Empowering the Solar Plexus (1)

Keeping this chakra in balance is key to feeling a sense of security, self-confidence, and self-assurance. The solar plexus is associated with the fire element and signifies our ability to take action and build momentum in our lives. The phrase “being fired up” is a nod to the sensation of heat in the solar plexus when we feel excitement and enthusiasm.

Imbalances in this area can manifest as lack of control and fear of being overpowered. Perfectionism, people-pleasing, and overactivity/being busy are often signs of a shrunken solar plexus. Obsession with gaining power, controlling behaviors, and an overinflated ego is associated with an enlarged third chakra.

As always, there is no single way to maintain balance in our lives, we can utilize a variety of alternative therapies to reach a homeostatic state.

Empowering the Solar Plexus (2)

Trust Your Gut

Based on its location with respect to the body, the stomach and digestive system are associated with this energy center. Issues with weight, gastrointestinal problems, and poor gut health are symptoms of an imbalanced solar plexus. Good nutrition is a tool for optimizing all chakras, especially the third. Foods that enhance the solar plexus are:

  • Citrus fruits (especially lemon)
  • Bananas
  • Pineapple
  • Mango

Choosing fresh, organic foods when possible and avoiding processed foods, refined sugar, alcohol, nicotine, and animal by-products can help clear a blocked solar plexus.

Empowering the Solar Plexus (3)

Get Fired Up

Since the solar plexus is associated with the fire element, building heat in the body through movement increases clarity and balance in this area. Yoga poses, like Boat, Bow, and any Warrior pose, activate this energy center, while restorative poses like Child’s Pose and Corpse, or Savasana, help calm and soothe it.

Exercises that work the core, like Pilates and Barre, create fire energy in the solar plexus and strengthen more than just our abs–they increase our sense of self and personal mastery. Other heat building workouts, like High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and kickboxing, help build a sense of empowerment and self-confidence with practice and growth over time.

Empowering the Solar Plexus (4)

Scents of Empowerment

Targeted aromatherapy is a super simple way to bring the solar plexus into balance at home and on the go. Try these essential oils in a diffuser or DIY spray for third chakra healing:

  • Bergamot
  • Rosemary
  • Lemongrass
  • Cedarwood
  • Chamomile

If you want to clear your space and balance your energy, add the plant equivalents of the above essential oils to a sage bundle for smudging.

Empowering the Solar Plexus (5)

Empowering the Solar Plexus (6)

If you really want to create a vibe,there'sa Kush Queen bath bomb for that! Our Citrus for Mood and Love for Passion bath bombs feature the ideal colors and scents to bring about a heat-inducing, sense-awakening soak. Choose a mantra, like “I Can” to meditate on whileplaying gentle musictargeted toward the solar plexus.

Empowering the Solar Plexus (7)

Crystal Healing

When choosing crystals for healing, finding stones that speak to you is most important. Above all, crystals are tools to help strengthen your intuition and relationship to self. Some stones to help balance the third chakra include:

  • Citrine: Associated with fire element; activates self-confidence; increases mental clarity and courage; acceptance of abundance
  • Green Calcite: Fire & water elements; grounds and focuses energy; promotes healthy gallbladder, liver, pancreas, and intestine; helps adjust to change
  • Gold Tiger’s Eye: Fire element; creates a sense of safety and protection; helps with remembering dreams and mental clarity; release jealousy and build self-confidence; invites blessing and good fortune
  • Pyrite: Fire & Earth elements; attracts abundance and wealth, promotes self-confidence; represents masculine energy, action oriented; keep this stone in your office or workspace

Empowering the Solar Plexus (8)

Namaslay, Queen!

A healthy solar plexus is your best ally for slaying it at work and in life. I hope this blog helps you discover your power and build a practice that works in favor of your highest good. Namaste, Queens!

Don’t forget to follow and tag @kushqueenshop and @kushqueenco in your Instagram posts and stories.

Want to add some CBD to your Chakra healing work? Shop Kush Queen below!

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Empowering the Solar Plexus (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.