7 Exercises to Reduce Bra Bulge or Bra Fat - BioTrust (2024)

Forget about shapewear! Strong, toned muscles and a lower body fat level are essential if you want to reduce bra bulge. Toning the muscles in the rear portion of your upper body will go a long way toward helping you eliminate that pesky bulge and replace it with toned muscle instead.

7 Best Exercises to Reduce Bra Bulge

Reducing the appearance of bra bulge is going to require some strengthening and toning in addition to a reduction of overall body fat. For toning, the best place to start is with some well-designed exercises that specifically target the muscles in the upper back and rear shoulder regions.

1. Pullups

7 Exercises to Reduce Bra Bulge or Bra Fat - BioTrust (1)

These are typically done on a pullup bar or using a stationary bar located several feet off the ground. If using a regular pullup bar, grasp the bar with your palms facing forward. Squeezing your back muscles together, bend your arms at the elbow to pull your body up until your head and chin clear the bar. Slowly lower your body back to the starting position by fully extending your arms until you are hanging straight from the bar again.

Note: there are many variations of this exercise. If you are not yet strong enough to complete a full pullup on your own (you’re not alone!), try using a step to start at the top of the movement and focus on part two of the exercise: controlling the descent of your body as you lower yourself back to the starting position.

Many fitness facilities also have “assisted pullup machines.” This equipment provides weighted assistance by allowing you to kneel on a platform and adjust the amount of weight you need to complete a full pullup repetition. You can also use a sturdy exercise band to help assist the movement.

2. Bent-Over Dumbbell Rows

7 Exercises to Reduce Bra Bulge or Bra Fat - BioTrust (2)

You will do these one side at a time. Start by standing next to a flat bench and place your left knee and left hand on the bench, palm down. Next, grasp a dumbbell in your right hand and allow your arm to straighten fully. Then, using your back muscles, bend at the elbow and pull your elbow back to lift the weight until the end of the dumbbell is near your hip. Hold for a moment and slowly lower to the starting position. Repeat on the opposite side.

Alternatively, you can also perform these while standing, using either dumbbells or a resistance band. If you decide to go with the resistance band, simply loop it under your feet, and grasp one end in each hand, bend over slightly at the waist (keeping your back straight), and use the same movement to pull your arms up and back at the same time.

3. Seated Rows

These can be done at the gym on equipment or at home with a band:

Seated rows on a cable machine—start by choosing your handle(s). Grasp the handles, place your feet on the platform in front of you, keeping a slight bend in your legs, and pull your elbows back behind you, effectively bringing the weight to your lap area. Pretend like you’re trying to “touch your elbows behind your back” (not possible, but this will help you move correctly).

Seated rows with a band—wrap the band around a sturdy anchor point (like a column or pole). Or, if you don’t have something to wrap the bar around, try looping the band over a doorknob to anchor it, wrapping it around the door, and then shutting it on the band to secure it.

4. Lat Pulldowns

These are typically done on gym equipment as well. However, if you do have a high-level spot where you can anchor your band, as above, you can also do these at home.

Lat pulldown on gym machine—sit on the seat and reach up to grasp the bar. Slightly arch your back and pull your elbows down and back until the bar touches the top portion of your chest. Squeeze your back in this position and then return to the start and repeat.

Lat pulldown with a resistance band—after hooking your resistance band securely overhead, grasp one end in each hand and perform the same movement as above.

5. Side Forearm Plank

7 Exercises to Reduce Bra Bulge or Bra Fat - BioTrust (4)

This will work not only your core but also the sides of your body all the way from your hips to your shoulders, including that ever-elusive bra area. Start in a standard plank position: legs straight but up on your toes, body off the ground, and balanced on your forearms with your elbows under your shoulders, palms face down in front of you.

Next, roll to your right so that your left side is in the air and your body rests on the side of your right foot and on your right forearm. Next, place your left hand on your hip and hold this position as long as you can. Then, return to a regular plank position and roll to your opposite side, repeating the process.

6. Plank with Lateral Dumbbell Raises

Try this double whammy if you’re up for it. This will require quite a bit of core strength and copious balancing prowess. Start in a plank position and raise your body up onto your hands. Lift your right hand and grab a light dumbbell. Next, while balancing on your left hand, lift your right arm directly out to your side, keeping a very slight bend in your elbow as you progress through the movement. Once your arm is parallel with the floor, hold this position for ten seconds before returning the weight to the ground. Repeat five times on one side before switching to the opposite side and repeating.

7. Pull-a-parts with a Resistance Band

This exercise will help work your upper back and the back area of your shoulders. Start by sitting or standing with your feet about hip-width apart. Grasp one end of the band in each hand so that there is tension on the band. With straight arms, raise your arms up in front of your chest until they are parallel with the ground. Pull the band apart as your move your arms in opposite directions out toward your sides and then back toward the center again. Do 20 repetitions.

And, last but certainly not least, it’s critical that you also clean up your diet if you want to battle the back bra bulge. A diet rich in healthy fats, leafy greens and fibrous veggies, lean sources of protein and whole natural foods, coupled with the above resistance training, is your secret recipe for success.


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7 Exercises to Reduce Bra Bulge or Bra Fat - BioTrust (2024)


What is the best exercise for bra bulge? ›

Here are the recommended exercises for toning the bra bulge area:
  • Push-ups.
  • Upright Row.
  • Bar Front Raises.
  • Chest Flys.
  • Overhead Pullovers.

How do you lose back fat and bra bulge permanently? ›

Counterintuitively, cardio activities are the best exercises to lose a back bra bulge fat. Walking, biking, hiking, jogging, swimming, and running will help your burn calories, assisting you with achieving your caloric deficit.

What is the best treatment for bra fat? ›

Kybella works well for those patients who have mild to moderate bra roll. Coolsculpting and liposuction might be better alternatives if there is a more significant amount of fatty tissue or bulge around the bra area.

How do you target the fat under your breasts? ›

Don't look for results with slimming undergarments -- instead, hit the gym and start exercising to burn your fat. It's not possible to solely burn the fat under your breasts, but dedication to a regular workout routine will result in the loss of fat throughout your body.

Do push-ups help with bra bulge? ›

Exercises for Reducing Bra Fat:

Exercises for bra fat that you can do are the following: Push-Ups: Push-ups are versatile exercises that engage the chest, shoulders, and back muscles. Bent Over Rows: Bent over rows with dumbells help tone the back muscles and improve posture.

Can you really get rid of bra fat? ›

So there you have it. The pesky bra roll fat or armpit fat is actually breast tissue, not fat, which is why exercise isn't enough to make it go away. But Liposuction is a popular non-invasive treatment option for bra fat. It can be done alone or at the same time as another plastic surgery procedure.

Does bra fat go away? ›

Unfortunately, one of the hardest places lose body fat is in the area around your bra line. Despite having a strict diet and exercise regime, reducing bra fat is even more challenging because of the fibrous nature of the tissue. In some cases, targeting the muscles in your back at the gym can help.

Can you lose bra bulge? ›

The only way to get rid of that pesky fat is by putting the whole body in action. The best way to do that would be with cardiovascular exercises. Once you slimmed down a bit, you can then do arm exercises to tone and strengthen your arm muscles.

Why am I bulging out of my bra? ›

Check The Cup Size

Bras that presses too much into your chest cause bra bulges to appear behind your back. Likewise, a loose bra can cause you to compensate and tighten the band, creating bra bulges.

Why do I have so much bra bulge? ›

You could be wearing the wrong cup size - If the cups on your bra are too full and your bra bulges then try wearing a bra with a bigger cup size - increase the cup letter size by one. As the bra/ band is graded to the cup size, the larger the cup the deeper the band so no overspill.

What is cavitation for bra fat? ›

Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation Cavitation is a very high-frequency ultrasound, and it's a vibration that produces heat Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation uses low-level ultrasonic waves to break down fat cells into liquid form that are then eliminated from the body naturally, making the procedure safe and natural.

Does exercise reduce bra size? ›

While dieting and exercise may help patients lose weight, it's very difficult to specifically target the breasts in workouts. Chest-targeted exercises usually work to strengthen the pectoral muscles rather than make the breasts smaller, and do not affect glandular breast tissue.

Is the bra bulge back fat? ›

As a result, the fat pushes out below the band, causing a bulge. Although wearing a well-fitting bra can help to minimize the appearance of back fat, it may not resolve it completely. Sometimes, you can have back fat showing even with a well-fitting bra due to genetic fat distribution patterns.

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