155 healthy smoothies: everything you need to know about making delicious smoothies and understanding their health benefits (2024)

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155 healthy smoothies: everything you need to know about making delicious smoothies and understanding their health benefits (1)

Englisch [en], .mobi, 🚀/lgli/lgrs/zlib, 1.7MB, 📘 Buch (Sachbuch), 155 healthy smoothies

155 healthy smoothies: everything you need to know about making delicious smoothies and understanding their health benefits 🔍

Nutritiously Australia, 1, 2012

Pawel Malczewski 🔍


“#1 Amazon Best Seller ! FIVE STAR reviews !

The ultimate compendium of healthy smoothies and more, you'll find yourself reaching for this book more often than any other recipe book in your kitchen. The title - smoothie simply doesn't seem like enough to go with some of these amazing recipes. More mindful of cold soups or chilled dessert recipes, some of these will be a meal in one. Offering you the kind of nutrition that will add stamina and sparkle to your attitude and your health, the recipes are clear and easy to follow as you create the smoothies.
If you only buy one book of smoothies, this is the one that you need. Offering green smoothies, vegetarian and vegan, as well as fruity smooth desserts, your weight will fall and your energy will rise when you take advantage of the healthy smoothie recipes found in this all-encompassing book.
This healthy smoothies recipe book offers you a great look at nutrition, healthy diet and lifestyle, delicious ways to lose weight to introduce fiber and cancer-fighting antioxidants into the body. You'll get:
• 155 full color eye popping smoothie pictures that will make your mouth water!
• For LIMITED TIME ONLY a FREE, over 310 page attachment download with full page-size photos of each recipe and detailed nutrition information!
• Written by Pawel Malczewski, a certified nutritionist, with detailed nutrition information for each recipe!
• Easy to follow recipes with easy to find ingredients with a list of substitutes
• Great for anybody from beginners to advanced smoothie drinkers
• . . . and don't forget about the kids. They're going to love the fruit smoothies!
• Plenty of nutrition tips
• Variety of different types of smoothies!
• Healthy green smoothies
• Full of antioxidants berry smoothies
• Delicious banana smoothies
• Yogurt and non-dairy substitute yogurt smoothies
• Healthy habits transformation/weight loss program
• Plenty of valuable blending and smoothie tips
• Information on contraindicationsfor the use of some fruits and veggies
• Scientific research that backs the claims about fruits and vegetables
• The health benefits of various nutritional components
• Information on the best and most powerful blenders
• Links to a site with useful information on ingredients and nutrients”

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2013-08-25 (lgli_source: 2013-08-25, zlib_source: 2019-04-08, lgrsnf_source: 2013-08-25)


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155 healthy smoothies: everything you need to know about making delicious smoothies and understanding their health benefits (2024)


What is the healthiest thing to put in a smoothie? ›

For starters, she recommends combining:
  • Protein, such as a commercial protein powder, Greek yogurt (which is higher in protein than regular yogurt) or nut butters.
  • Fruit, including berries, mango, bananas and avocado.
  • Greens, such as spinach or kale.
  • A liquid base such as dairy or plant-based milk, water or fruit juice.

Why are fruit smoothies bad for you? ›

Smoothies are high in sugar.

Free sugars include any added sugars (including honey and maple syrup) and are the kind we should all be cutting down on to protect our teeth as well as lower our energy intake to help maintain a healthy weight.

What are 2 potential risks of smoothies? ›

In conclusion, smoothies can be a great way to increase intakes of fruit and vegetables in our diet, which would have many health benefits. However, they may contain large amounts of added or natural sugars, which can contribute to dental problems and obesity.

What is the best liquid to put in a smoothie? ›

This can be milk, or a dairy-free alternative such as soya or almond milk, natural or flavoured yogurt, fruit juice, or for a tropical flavoured smoothie, low-fat coconut milk or coconut water. It's important to add the liquid to your blender before adding the fruit, as this will prevent the blade from getting damaged.

What's the best thing to put in a smoothie to lose weight? ›

Avocado and nut butters are popular ingredients to add some protein and healthy fats. You may also wish to include chia or hemp seeds. For a bit of sweetness and some extra nutrients, you can add some blueberries, banana, pineapple, orange, or mango. Honey or other natural sweeteners can also be included.

Why shouldn't you blend bananas? ›

But, there is a common mistake that people make when preparing their smoothie of choice. The new study found that smoothies combining bananas with berries proved to decrease in flavanols (a key nutrient in berries) after being blended together. Considering the health benefits of flavanols, this presents a problem.

Are smoothies bad for the liver? ›

The present study suggests that regular consumption of a phenolic-rich smoothie improves the liver antioxidant status, prevents metabolic disorders and ameliorates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease caused by high-fat diet consumption.

Can I drink smoothies everyday? ›

Smoothies rich in fiber and protein keep you full longer, while those made with fruits and vegetables increase your daily vegetable servings. As long as you are drinking smoothies made from a variety of fruits and vegetables and low in refined sugar, there would be no problem with consuming smoothies every day.

Why shouldn't you put ice in a smoothie? ›

You'll end up with half-blended ice that's still in large chunks, which can ruin the texture of your smoothie or shake," says Anja Wolf, CEO and creative director for kitchen tips website I Love Cookware. Ice can also damage blender blades and "cause the motor to overheat and eventually break down," she says.

What not to do with smoothies? ›

5 Common Mistakes That Make Your Smoothie Less Healthy
  1. Mistake 1: Adding Too Much Fruit.
  2. Mistake 2: Forgoing Portion Control.
  3. Mistake 3: Overdoing the Sugar.
  4. Mistake 4: Forgetting Your Food Groups.
  5. Mistake 5: Storing Too Long.

What makes smoothies bad for stomach? ›

Digestive Issues

A while we're on the subject of stomach upset, certain fruits and veggies are so powerful that you may experience some stomach distress if you drink too much of them. Too many leafy greens or wheatgrass can do this. For others, too much beet will do the same.

Why do I feel weird after drinking a smoothie? ›

Hard To Digest Ingredients

If you're adding nuts or cashews to your smoothie, they can cause problems as they're hard for the digestive system to break down. Another common culprit could be your protein. Many cheap proteins are filled with unnecessary fillers and artificial sugars that can cause digestive upset.

Is there a downside to smoothies? ›

However, it is important to remember that the nutritional value of a smoothie is determined by what ingredients are used. Some recipes include excessive amounts of added or natural sugar that can contribute to dental carixes (also known as cavities), diabetes, and obesity (Palacios et al., 2009).

Is 2 cups of fruit too much for a smoothie? ›

Though fruit is a healthy smoothie ingredient, you can get too much of a good thing —i n the form of calories and carbs. A general rule of thumb is to stick to around 1 cup of fruit per smoothie. That's about a serving.

What is the healthiest way to sweeten a smoothie? ›

Add natural sweeteners: If you want to avoid added sugar, there are plenty of natural sweeteners you can add to your smoothie instead, such as honey, maple syrup, or agave nectar. Start with a little bit and add more to taste until you find the perfect balance of sweetness for you.

Are smoothies everyday good for you? ›

Smoothies rich in fiber and protein keep you full longer, while those made with fruits and vegetables increase your daily vegetable servings. As long as you are drinking smoothies made from a variety of fruits and vegetables and low in refined sugar, there would be no problem with consuming smoothies every day.

What drink is best for smoothies? ›

Almond milk is a win-win-win for most smoothie combos. Go for the unsweetened versions when picking it up to avoid extra sugar and calories. For best results, we recommend Unsweetened almond milk on Amazon. Coconut water is often referred to as “nature's energy drink”.

What is the healthiest milk for smoothies? ›

Unsweetened almond milk would be the best option as it is low in carbs, sugar, calories and has a lower fat content than most dairy milk.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.